Daiso @ Rivervale Mall Daiso @ Rivervale Mall 20140201_144222.jpg

Hey everyone~~

I bet you are not totally unfamiliar with the findings of "gold" in Daiso!

Most recently last year (2013), I have gotten a video recorded featuring the hair accessories that I love from Daiso.

Many times if you were to even scout around the neighbourhood accessories stores, the cheapest scrunchies or hair ties are typically slightly more expensive than Daiso's.
I am usually on the look out for scrunchies as they tie up your hair in the most beautiful way that makes it pretty and cute, yet holding power is good!
Daiso Hair Accessory-Ring Ponytail Holder-Blue-04 Daiso Elegance Hair Scrunchy-3 Brown-03 Daiso Mini Dot Scrunchy-Black wWhite Polka Dot-01 

To find out what I've picked, check it out right below:


In addition to the above, look what I've found in my most recent trip to Daiso~~

For Your Little Girls
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Cutesy Hair Ties
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Ribbons-clip-ons / Ribbon hair ties
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For Teenagers & Adults

Wiry-hair ties

Lacey Hair Scrunchies & Elegant Ribbon-Crocodile-Clip

Chiffon Floral Clips

Roses Scrunchies, Chiffon Rose Clips and Huge Floral Hair Clip

Assorted Acrylic hair clips

As more treasures are uncovered, I shall post the updates in
to this post.

In anycase, subscribe to my YouTube Channel or follow my blog, Twitter or my Facebook page for all the updates.

See ya in the next post~

Leave a comment if you have any questions for me and I shall get back to you as soon as I can.

