


AI detects Alzheimers disease SIX years early - with 100% accuracy in small study人工智慧可提前六年檢測出老年癡呆,且在小樣本研究中的準確度達100%

A new artificial intelligence system can predict the development of Alzheimers with 100 percent accuracy and six years before the hallmarks that doctors use to diagnose the disease appear.


There is no cure for Alzheimers and the effectiveness of the best treatments for the disease diminishes as it progresses.


This means that early detection is the single best hope for the futures of the 44 million people living with Alzheimers around the world.


Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), taught their AI how to detect subtle changes in the brain that would be imperceptible to the human eye.


So far, the system has provided a seemingly fail-proof early warning before the full onset of Alzheimers devastating effects in a small sample of tests.


A new AI system can detect subtle markers of metabolic changes in the brain that predict the development of Alzheimers - six years early and with 100 percent accuracy. The system can recognize very slight declines in grey matter (A) in Alzheimers patients


Despite the fact that Alzheimers is among the top 10 deadliest diseases in the world, weve only begun to have a rudimentary understanding of the condition in recent years.


While we better understand the markers and causes, Alzheimers - like the football-related brain disease, CTE - cannot be conclusively diagnosed until death, even today.


Doctors simply use process of elimination to rule out as many other causes of memory loss as possible.


This is done through memory assessments and evaluations of any potential behavioral changes as well as lab tests and brain imaging.


Most people have only four to eight years left to live by the time they are diagnosed with Alzheimers disease.


There are medications available to help patients manage memory loss- such as Aricept, Namenda and Excelon - but they are not a fix, they will not stop or reverse memory loss, they simply might slightly slow its progression and help make day-to-day living a little more manageable.


Such drugs dont work or dont work as well for everyone, and past a certain stage, they dont work at all.


The earlier an Alzheimers patient can start them, the better, but before doctors prescribe the medications, there as to be sufficient clinical evidence of the disease.


But AI may be the key to detecting Alzheimers early enough to preserve some memory function - for six years longer, the new study, published in Radiology, suggests.


The clearest sign of the disease is the build up of amyloid beta protein plaques in the brain.


But recently, scientists have linked the certain metabolic changes to Alzheimers disease.


It isnt clear why yet, but the brains of both Alzheimers and diabetes sufferers dont absorb and process glucose - our primary source of energy - in the same way that healthy brains do.


This metabolic change happens early, but differences in the pattern of glucose uptake in the brain are very subtle and diffuse, said study co-author Dr Jae Ho Sohn, a radiologist at UCSF.

儘管這種代謝病變發生的時間較早,但參與研究的放射科醫師Jae Ho Sohn博士指出:「葡萄糖在大腦中的吸收機制差別非常小,而且分散。」

People are good at finding specific biomarkers of disease, but metabolic changes represent a more global and subtle process.


So while a doctor might see the signs of the a change in disparate images, it would take an impossibly long time for humans to map out these changes and their subtle patterns in enough patients over a long-enough span of time, to say with certainty which changes predict Alzheimers.


But this is exactly the kind of task that artificial intelligence is intended for.


Specifically, the new systems machine learning system was able to learn patterns in nearly 2,000 brain scans taken of 1,000 patients.


Dr Sohn, lead study author Dr Benjamin Franc and their team tested the system on 40 scans that were completely new to the algorithm.

Sohn博士、第一作者Benjamin Franc博士和研究組其他成員利用該系統演算法完全沒有接觸過的40張新掃描片對其進行了測試。

The AI system detected every single patient that eventually developed Alzheimers from brain scans taken an average of six years before a persons diagnosis was made.


We were very pleased with the algorithms performance, Dr Sohn said.


It will be some time - and more testing - before the system is publicly available. But Dr Sohn and his team have high hopes for the AIs potential.


If we diagnose Alzheimers disease when all the symptoms have manifested, the brain volume loss is so significant that its too late to intervene, he said.


If we can detect it earlier, thats an opportunity for investigators to potentially find better ways to slow down or even halt the disease process.




