【政府愈弱 民間愈強】




前花旗集團執行長,現任萬事達卡執行長班加(Ajay Banga)總是喜歡頭戴錫克族頭巾出席公眾場合。《時代雜誌》報導,他第一次到印度清奈的花旗銀行上班時,看到地上堆滿「大到足以推動飛機引擎的發動機。」後來他才知道,這是為了避免缺電做準備。更久之後他明白,這只是其中一道防線。在印度經商,同時準備好幾套劇本是常有的事。

「必須強迫自己突破限制,找出答案,」Google資深副總裁也是商務長(CBO)阿羅拉(Nikesh Arora)指出。這也是塔塔汽車為什麼可以創造Nano這種在台灣和西方世界沒見過的車。



班加的哥哥,文迪.班加(Vindi Banga)是前聯合利華全球總裁,他擔任印度分公司執行長時,經常要面對當地廠商,提供相似產品但價格只有1/3的競爭。他花了一年的功夫,將聯合利華不斷改良,推向當地市佔率第一。








Asian bosses are tough to work with?


Topic: Asian bosses are tough to work with

Newspaper reporter in India / Hu Wei-Min


In recent years, Western public opinion, a very clear trend, it is easily put in, side by side and talk about India, but in fact, the size of India's economy is only a quarter of China, on the level of military strength and technological The two countries are not on the same level the U.S. Why attach so much importance in India, India really has the strength to compete with China? If To clarify this issue, we must put aside the traditional mode of thinking, analytical India's strategic characteristics.


Strategic importance of the virtual and real

On India's strategic capabilities, we must first see that India is located in the hub of Indian Ocean trade routes, its naval blockade in the Indian Ocean water channel war, so for the overseas trade as the core interests of the country, India is a must consider the 'deterrent factor', which is owned by India, the focus of all strategic strength, however, for such a strategy, 'value', must have a clear and factual knowledge, because, while the Indian guards the Indian Ocean traffic arteries, But in contemporary high-tech war is, should cut off his country India Dongbing sea lanes, it necessarily mean full-scale war began, and this is fundamental, regardless of full-scale war on land, sea, sky or space.

Military analysts have often described a principle is: deterrence does not mean combat capability(http://www.f-paper.com/). Limited conditions, India has the deterrent capability, may never translate into real combat ability. For this, India's analysts actually also see very clearly. In recent years, there have been Indian think tank pointed out that India has neither will nor ability to do confrontation with China, India, let alone to act as a pawn of the United States against China, but the use of powers between the conflicts for their own interests, national survival has always been some magic in fact, the United States and India to rely on Western support, has reaped a number of strategic interests, which is why the Manmohan Singh government came to power since 2004, gradually approaching United States, this policy can be accepted by all sectors of the Indian real reason.

The strength of large and small countries

From a number of indicators, India is a large country, such as up to 12 million large population, vast land area, a large English-speaking intellectuals, and in recent years in the aerospace, aircraft, missiles and other high-tech areas of a huge investment, etc. However, the Indian state of physique of the 'big', but in another aspect highlights the citizenship of the 'small.' According to Indian media reports of the number, until now there are 40% of India's poverty population, their average daily income in the United Nations provided below $ 1.2, does not address food and clothing, is also worrying level of Education in India known as the largest democracy, but always facing the dilemma of the people who Sheng Huo, 'democracy 'can not be used as daily food, clothing, survival is the first demand.

India has a well-developed knowledge of the elite, their ideology, level of education, innovation and so many ways quite modern features(News News http://www.f-paper.com/). <<News of the World>> India correspondent in India, Jawaharlal Nehru University and has several teacher interviews They believe that a country in the World competition, and ultimately relied on the country's nationals, nationals of the quality of the decision the fate of nations. The real 'big country' nationals, should have a good standard of education and living conditions, in line with modern society, citizens awareness, etc. In addition, he should be able to enjoy the equal right to political participation, complete legal protection system and can be difficult to remove the individual's social insurance system.

However, due to poverty and lack of education, the vast majority of people far India has not enjoyed such political, legal and social protection system, for example, even in big cities like New Delhi, many middle-income Indians, have no retirement and pension insurance. It is precisely because the basic standard of living has not been fully improved, so the Indian citizens are still not showing a 'big' national spirit.

As 'National' and 'little people' of the situation there, the future of India must be the main energy for processing the various contradictions within the state, but no spare capacity for external confrontation. It is precisely because such a situation, the government frequently Singh by other Indian political parties and media criticism, some public opinion, the Indian government should not be in the country is still poor and weak cases to large amounts of money into military projects, the country's financial resources should be more into the national body, should at least allow All citizens enjoy above average education, unemployment pension and medical insurance, the most important thing is to make people feel a sense of pride as citizens.
