
Flour+Tea 烘培店

  在Pasadena 時經過 Flour+Tea 烘培店, 忍不住想進去.

Passd by Flour +Tea in Pasadena, can't control myself, had to goin in.




Constant customers coming in and out but not crowed



台式麵包但口味有點小特別, 下午來時感覺來晚了, 麵包一半都沒了.

Taiwanese style sweet and savory breads, perhaps I came too late, half of the breads were gone.



感覺有點空虛, 晚來的下場. 上次有吃過他們的 Cloud 蛋糕. 抹茶口味, 只記得很好吃, 狼吞虎嚥的三口就全吞下.

Half empty shelf, the reason why you need to go to a bakery early in the morning. Had their matcha cloud cake last time, it was delicious. 



原本沒想買喝的, 又忍不住了

wasn't planning on getting a drink, but now I had to



泰式奶茶 + 抹茶白巧克力餅乾 + 杏仁片芋頭麵包

Thai Tea + Matcha White chocolate cookie + Almond Taro Bread



  抹茶白巧克力餅乾很好吃因為真的吃得出抹茶和白巧克力各自的味道, 外面脆脆的但裡面是軟的. 杏仁片芋頭麵包就是個非常正常的麵包有芋泥夾心

Love the Matcha cookie because you can really taste the Matcha and plus I love white chocolate, crispy and chewy. Taro bread is just a very regular sweet bread with taro filling. Good neverthe less.



238 S Arroyo Pkwy Ste 110 Pasadena, CA 91105
