The Clarkson Review: Alfa Romeo Stelvio Quadrifoglio

猩式車評:阿爾法·羅密歐 Stelvio Quadrifoglio

A lunatic let loose among the sheep 羊圈裡的瘋子

In the olden days I would often walk round London, usually because I was coming back from the pub. Or because I was on my way to the pub and knew there was no point taking the car because I』d have to walk home afterwards. And then in the morning I』d have to walk to the police pound to give a gormless person in an armoured booth a hundred pounds to get my car back.


And then there was the casino on Lower Sloane Street. It was run by an oily Frenchman called Roger and had just two card tables and one roulette wheel. I loved it in there, but afterwards I would have to walk home because I had not a single penny left for a taxi.


As I said, I did a lot of walking back then, which is probably why I had a 28in waist. Coupled with a 38in inside leg, it made me look like a telegraph pole. I』m surprised a stalk never nested on me. Mind you, I had so much hair in those days, it looked as if one had.


Today, in an effort to have a 28in waist once more, I』m back on foot, using my legs wherever possible to get from A to B. It』s much more difficult than it was back then, mainly because I now weigh more than most moons, which means after a very short distance I get terrible backache. Also, I am stopped very often by someone who wants a selfie.


This always takes an age, because they have to explain why they want one. 「I』ve just been on a hockey tour of Canada, and I met this guy in Toronto who had multiple sclerosis, and he had this old Honda he couldn』t use any more, so I borrowed it and I said that if I was ever ...」 And on and on and on it goes until I just want to jump under the next bus.


A word of advice. If you see me in the street, ask crisply and efficiently for a photograph. I will then tell you to off and we can both go about our business with minimal disruption.


The other problem with walking today is that there』s nothing much to look at. Back in the Eighties the streets would be filled with mid-engined Renault 5s and Alfa Romeo Alfasud Sprint Veloces. Then you had rear-drive Toyota Corolla rally cars and Supras and Mitsubishi Starions and even the odd BMW M5.

這年頭走路還有一個問題,就是街上實在是沒什麼好看的。回想上世紀80年代,街上到處都是中置引擎的雷諾5s,阿爾法·羅密歐的Sprint Veloces,後輪驅動的豐田卡羅拉拉力戰車和牛魔王Supra,三菱的Starions,你甚至還能看到少見的寶馬M5。

雷諾5 Turbo
阿爾法?羅密歐Sprint Veloces
豐田卡羅拉GT Coupe
寶馬M5 (E34)

It was like walking through an art gallery, only there was a growling, buzzing, throbbing soundtrack as London wriggled itself free from the gnawing misery of Seventies socialism and embraced Margaret Thatcher』s vision of getting up, getting on and getting a Golf GTI.


Now, though, it』s just an endless parade of dreary SUVs. It』s my job to know what they all are, but on a walk yesterday I couldn』t name a single one. They were just grey shapes, like frogspawn.


Plainly this sort of car is what you』re all interested in these days, and that』s good news because the car I didn』t use very much the week before last, owing to my new walking habit, was the Peugeot 5008 Allure. It had a 1.5-litre engine, could go from 0 to 62mph in a certain length of time, ran on diesel and cost just shy of £30,000. In every way it』s just another SUV, except you don』t look through the steering wheel at the dials. You look over it. And if that』s what you want — if it』s what』s been missing from your life, a new way of mounting the steering wheel — then this is obviously the car for you.

不過,既然你們現在都喜歡這種車,那我有一條好消息。上上個星期有一輛車送過來讓我測,是標緻的5008 Allure,因為我最近開始走路,所以沒怎麼開。這台標緻有一具1.5升的引擎,零百加速鬼知道要多久,喝的還是柴油,價格只需三萬英鎊(約為27萬人民幣)。不管從哪個方面來看,這就是一台垃圾SUV,不過在5008里你不用從方向盤的間隙中看儀錶盤,它的方向盤在儀錶下方,所以你可以很直接地看到儀錶盤上的各個信息。如果這就是你想要的——如果這就是你的生活中缺失的東西,一個位置較高的新型儀錶盤——那這輛標緻將會是你的不二之選。


Eventually the Peugeot was taken away — and a few days later I noticed. The car that replaced it was another bloody SUV, but this one was an Alfa Romeo. And if anyone can make this sort of car interesting, Alfa can.


It』s called the Stelvio, which means it』s been named after a famous bit of road that twists and turns its way up an Alp in Italy. I tried the diesel version last year and it was sort of all right, but this time Alfa sent the full-fat, 503-horsepower Quadrifoglio version.


Now. I adore the engine in this car. It』s a twin-turbo Ferrari V8 with two cylinders lopped off, and it』s a masterpiece. Genuinely, an all-time great. If it were music, it would be Beethoven』s Fifth. If it were art, it would be Turner』s Rain, Steam and Speed — The Great Western Railway. If it were literature, it would be Karl Marlantes』s Matterhorn.

我很喜歡Stelvio Quadrifoglio上的這台引擎,它就是法拉利加利福尼亞上的那台雙渦輪V8引擎砍掉兩個氣缸的產物。這具引擎太棒了,可以說是歷史上最偉大的引擎之一。如果它是音樂,它應該會是貝多芬的《命運交響曲》,如果它是藝術,它應該會是約瑟夫·瑪羅德·威廉·透納的《雨,蒸汽和速度——西部大鐵路》,如果它是小說,它應該會是卡爾·馬蘭提斯的《美國人眼中最真實的的越南戰爭》。

It revs as if it』s held at idle by an elastic band that the throttle just snaps, and the noise it makes can curdle blood at 500 paces. You can use it to potter about, but that』d be like playing chopsticks on the organ in the Royal Albert Hall. This is an engine that wants you to open all the stops, all the time. But would it work in an SUV? That』s what I wanted to know.

在踩下Stelvio Quadrifoglio油門的一瞬間,轉速指針就像是被彈簧彈起來,飛速劃向表底,發出的聲浪震耳欲聾,百步之內如雷貫耳。你可以開著這輛車瞎逛,但這就像是拿著筷子在皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳演奏手風琴一樣,暴殄天物。這是一具你隨時隨地想要油門全開的引擎,但放在SUV上的它真的好使嗎?這就是我想知道的。

Well, to make sure the rest of the car — which is tall, because that』s what people need these days — doesn』t throw its arms in the air and panic when asked to deal with a volcanic burst of power, it』s all been tightened up. Really tightened. And then nailed down. And then fitted with tyres that have the give of steel. I』d like to say that despite all this the Stelvio copes very well with badly maintained urban roads. But it doesn』t. It rides like a racer.


Which is what it is. It has a carbon-fibre prop shaft, and most of the time all the power is fed to the rear wheels. Alfa says when they lose grip, power is sent immediately to the front, but as I exited one roundabout on full opposite lock, I can testify to the fact that Alfa』s idea of 「immediately」 and mine are a bit different.


A friend of mine actually bought one of these cars last month and texted me after a few days to say: 「This thing is mad.」 He』s right. It is. Hilariously, mind-bogglingly insane. Imagine a harbour tug with three Lamborghini V12s. It』s that.

我的一個朋友上個月真的買了一台Stelvio Quadrifoglio,幾天後給我發消息說:「這玩意太瘋狂了。」他說的沒錯,Stelvio就是一台瘋狂的,毫無節制的,一路火星帶閃電的大瘋車。想像一下搭載三台蘭博基尼V12引擎的港口拖船,Stelvio的瘋狂程度和它差不多。

There are a lot of fast SUVs on offer at the moment. There』s the Lamborghini Urus and the Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk and the Audi SQ7, but nothing is quite as swivel-eyed as this Stelvio. And as a result it』s easily the most exciting SUV out there. Which is a bit like saying Proteus syndrome is easily the most exciting disfiguring disease.

這年頭,市面上有不少性能型SUV可供選擇,比如蘭博基尼Urus,吉普的大切諾基Trackhawk和奧迪SQ7,,但它們都遠不如Stelvio Quadrifoglio這樣瘋狂。結果就是,Stelvio毫無疑問地成為了市面上最刺激的SUV,這就有點像在說變形綜合症是所有讓容貌變化的病症里讓人變得最丑的一種病。

There are some other issues too. When you zoom the sat nav in to see individual streets, it goes into what I call 「moron mode」 and swivels round when you turn a corner. I hate that and there』s nothing you can do to stop it. And while the carbon-fibre seats are cool, the seatbelt buckles rattle against them all the time. You can』t even fit a towbar because of the complex exhaust system. Mind you, not being able to tow a caravan is probably a good thing.


This car, then, is exactly what you』d expect from Alfa Romeo. Its best brains fitted a truly magnificent engine, and then the factory cleaning staff were left to make everything else.


I love this sort of thing. I love Alfas because there are bits of them that don』t work. But you almost certainly will find this infuriating.


I could suggest you buy the Giulia Quadrifoglio saloon, because it』s far superior as an actual car. But you don』t want a saloon. You want an SUV, because you are a sheep. So go on, then. Buy an Audi Q5 instead. Be a dullard. See if I care.

所以,我建議你買一輛四門版的Giulia Quadrifoglio,因為它作為一輛轎車來說它真的是美妙絕倫。但如果你不想要一台轎車,而是一台SUV,換句話說,你就是一隻只會吃草的羊。別買Stelvio了,去買你的奧迪Q5吧,呆瓜,我懶得理你。

