
【Lyrics】Julia Michaels ft. Selena Gomez - Anxiety 歌曲背景+中英歌詞 / 歌詞翻譯



【Inner Monologue Part I】是Julia Michaels於今年釋出的新EP,其中有兩首歌是合作的作品,其中一首是這首歌【Anxiety】。

喜歡Selena Gomez或有關注歐美圈子的人,大概都知道Selena最近才重新使用社交軟體Instagram,我想在這樣的背景下,這首歌多少也帶出了她的心境吧。在全球這麼多人的注視下,壓力有多大可想而知。

而這樣的心理狀態,Julia Michaels與Selena Gomez一起把它給寫出來了。或許有的人會想,Julia並不像Selena那麼有名氣,出道時間也比不上Selena,但我覺得,這跟名氣與出道時間長不長並沒有關係。



在Beats 1的訪問之中,Julia談到這首歌,她說:

當時我與Scott Harris、Ian Kirkpatrick一同寫這首歌時,我基本上想傳達的,是我如何應對日常生活上會遇到的事情。不只是焦慮,同時我也想談懼怕失去以及心有餘而力不足的情況。寫這首歌為的是讓不知道他們正處於焦慮狀態下的人,透析他們的心理狀態,讓他們明白什麼是焦慮。










Julia Michaels ft. Selena Gomez - Anxiety 焦慮



[Julia Michaels]
My friends, they wanna take me to the movies / 我的朋友們想約我去看電影
I tell 'em to fuck off, I'm holding hands with my depression / 我叫他們滾開,因為我正試著失落做朋友

And right when I think I've overcome it / 當我想我已經克服時
Anxiety starts kicking in to teach that shit a lesson / 焦慮開始襲擊我,教會我一個道理
Oh, I try my best just to be social / 我已經使盡全力,為了不要格格不入
I make all these plans with friends and hope they call and cancel / 我與朋友們一起討論要做什麼,可是我希望他們打電話跟我取消約會

Then I overthink about the things I’m missing / 但當我左思右想時,我迷失了
Now I'm wishing I was with 'em / 現在我希望我跟他們在一起

Feel like I'm always apologizing for feeling / 我感覺為了自己真實感受,我總是在道歉
Like I'm out of my mind when I'm doing just fine / 好像我是沒來由自己選擇發瘋
And my exes all say that I'm hard to deal with / 我的前任們都說我很難搞
And I admit it, yeah / 我現在大方承認

But all my friends, they don't know what it's like, what it's like / 但我所有的朋友們,他們根本不懂,這種狀態有多折磨人
They don't understand why I can't sleep through the night / 他們不明白為何我時常輾轉難眠
I've been told that I could take something to fix it / 我總是被說要找方法解決現況
Damn, I wish it, I wish it was that simple, ah / 該死,我真希望情況不要那麼棘手
All my friends they don't know what it's like, what it's like / 但我所有的朋友們,他們根本不懂,這種狀態有多折磨人

[Selena Gomez]
Always wanted to be one of those people in the room / 我總是想要融入他人
That says something and everyone puts their hand up / 說些讓人贊同的話
Like, "If you're sad put your hand up / 例如,你如果難過的話就舉起手來
If you hate someone, put your hand up / 你如果討厭某人的話,舉起你的手
If you're scared, put your hand up" / 你如果害怕的話,就舉起手吧

Feel like I'm always apologizing for feeling / 我感覺為了自己真實感受,我總是在道歉
Like I'm out of my mind when I'm doing just fine / 好像我是沒來由自己選擇發瘋
And my exes all say that I'm hard to deal with / 我的前任們都說我很難搞

And I admit it, it's true  / 我現在大方承認,這是事實

But all my friends, they don't know what it's like, what it's like / 但我所有的朋友們,他們根本不懂,這種狀態有多折磨人
They don't understand why I can't sleep through the night / 他們不明白為何我時常輾轉難眠
And I thought that I could take something to fix it / 而我總是以為我可以找到方法解決現況
Damn, I wish it, I wish it was that simple, ah / 該死,我真希望情況不要那麼棘手
All my friends they don't know what it's like, what it's like / 但我所有的朋友們,他們根本不懂,這種狀態有多折磨人

[Bridge: Julia Michaels, Both, Selena Gomez]
I got all these thoughts, running through my mind / 我腦海裡總是有這些想法
All the damn time and I can't seem to shut it off / 但大多數的時候我似乎就是擺脫不了
I think I'm doing fine most of the time / 我想我大部分的時候都處理得很好
I think that I'm alright, but I can't seem to shut it off / 我想我是對的,但就是無法擺脫焦慮
I got all these thoughts, running through my mind / 我腦海裡總是有這些想法
All the damn time and I can't seem to shut it off / 但大多數的時候我似乎就是擺脫不了
I think I'm doing fine most of the time / 我想我大部分的時候都處理得很好
I say that I'm alright, but I can't seem to shut it off / 我說我是對的,只是無法擺脫焦慮
Shut it, shut it, yeah / 擺脫焦慮

[Julia Michaels, Both]
But all my friends, they don't know what it's like, what it's like / 但我所有的朋友們,他們根本不懂,這種狀態有多折磨人
They don't understand why I can't sleep through the night / 他們不明白為何我時常輾轉難眠
I've been told that I could take something to fix it / 我總是被說要找方法解決現況
Damn, I wish it, I wish it was that simple, ah / 該死,我真希望情況不要那麼棘手
All my friends they don't know what it's like, what it's like / 但我所有的朋友們,他們根本不懂,這種狀態有多折磨人

[Selena Gomez]
What it's like, what it's like / 多折磨人,這有多折磨人
Hmm-mm-mm, mmm
What it's like / 這有多折磨人
I love this song / 我愛這首歌(偷偷表白XD)



