
最美的禮物 The Most Precious Gift

最美的禮物 The Most Precious Gift


詞曲:遊智婷Sandy Yu、胡本琳Mimi Hu


綠色樹下 堆滿禮物

Lu: Se Shu Xia Dui Man Li Wu

Red, white presets underneath the tree


彩色卡片 圍繞火爐

Cai Se Ka Pian Wei Rao Huo Lu

Green, gold cards placed by the red stockings



Xiao Rong Zai Ren Men Di Lian Shang Liu Lou

People's faces are lit up with smiles



Xi Le Cong Yin Fu Gu Chu

The air is filled with singing and joy


愛我們的 阿爸天父

Ai Wo Men Di A Ba Tian Fu

Abba Father loving me and you



Cha Qian Ai Zi Wei Bao Gui Jiu Shu

Sent His only Son to earth, it's true


祂的降臨揭開了 救恩的序幕

Ta Di Jiang Lin Jie Kai Le Jiu En Di Xu Mu

Baby Jesus born for us, gave His life for us



Jiu Shi Zhu Ye Su Ji Du

It was the greatest gift of all


叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮

Ding Ding Dang Ding Ding Dang Ling Sheng Duo Xiang Liang

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way



Zai Zhe Shan Shuo Di Guang Cai Zhi Zhong

Strolling the streets, all twinkling with lights



Wo Xin Bu Zhu Ge Song

Hearts are filling up with praise


叮叮噹 叮叮噹 鈴聲多響亮

Ding Ding Dang Ding Ding Dang Ling Sheng Duo Xiang Liang

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way



Zai Zhe Yong Heng Di Ying Xu Zhong

Of all the lovely gifts in sight



Ye Su Shi Zui Mei Di Li Wu

Jesus is the most precious gift  
