
Simple Plan-Save You中文歌词

之前介绍过Simple Plan另一首歌,Astronaut,是一首蛮绝望的歌。astronaut和这首save you是simple plan的歌唯二我喜欢的。


好啦别想那么多伤害脑细胞,下面是这首一样很好听的save you的歌词!!


"Save You"

Take a breath
/深呼吸 放轻松

I pull myself together

Just another step till I reach the door
/只要再一步 目标就到了

You'll never know the way it tears me up inside to see you

I wish that I could tell you something
To take it all away
/我希望我能说服你 说服你放下这一切

Sometimes I wish I could save you
/有时候 我多希望自己是你的救赎

And there're so many things that I want you to know
/有这么多事 是我希望你能了解的

I won't give up till it's over
/在一切消逝前 我绝不放手

If it takes you forever I want you to know
/如果这会影响你一辈子 我希望你能了解

When I hear your voice

Its drowning in a whisper

It's just skin and bones

There's nothing left to take

And no matter what I do I can't make you feel better
/但不管我做了什么 你仍痛苦万分

If only I could find the answer

To help me understand

Sometimes I wish I could save you
/有时候 我多希望自己是你的救赎

And there're so many things that I want you to know
/有这么多事 是我希望你能了解的

I won't give up till it's over
/在一切消逝前 我绝不放手

If it takes you forever I want you to know
/如果这会影响你一辈子 我希望你能了解

That if you fall, stumble down

I'll pick you up off the ground

If you lose faith in you

I'll give you strength to pull through

Tell me you won't give up cause I'll be waiting if you fall
/告诉我你不会放弃努力 因为我已经等著接住坠落的你

Oh you know I'll be there for you
/你知道的 我会永远在你身边

If only I could find the answer
To take it all away
/如果只有我能得到救赎 拿走它吧

Sometimes I wish I could save you
/有时候 我多希望自己是你的救赎

And there're so many things that I want you to know
/有这么多事 是我希望你能了解的

I won't give up till it's over
/在一切消逝前 我绝不放手

If it takes you forever I want you to know
/如果这会影响你一辈子 我希望你能了解


I wish I could save you

I want you to know

I wish I could save you (oh)
/撑下去 我会陪著你的

