


攝影師 Yaffa 一直很喜歡唯美中帶點小叛逆的婚紗,迷幻間帶點微甜,古典的蕾絲長袖婚紗搭配可愛的馬汀,很適合新娘Momo俏皮的氣質,Yaffa 也很喜歡戴著牙套的可愛女孩,千萬不要覺得排斥,因為這也是妳屬於你人生的一部份,而美麗的畫面也不是去追求一個大眾喜愛的完美,而是畫面的你們本身是否可以完整表現你們的味道。🦋

新郎 Andrew 是一個有型的長髮滑板少年,偷偷說:Yaffa特愛長髮男子呢! (笑) 拍攝當天讓 Andrew 帶著喜愛的滑板加入婚紗拍攝,讓婚紗多了一份喜愛的元素,感覺更貼近自己了呢。 


⚠️Yaffa 台灣檔期速報:目前今年 5 月都已經約滿囉,喜歡Yaffa的請儘早預約唷!婚期前4-6個月是最佳的時間喲!









Facebook 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/yaffaphotography/




Photography | Yaffa寫真事務所 / Eighty Seven Percent Photography 李亞帆 (Yaffa Lee) 
Makeup&Hair | Zêbrą Förest: Make-up Artist
Dress | Emma Bridal Design 婚紗工作室
Suit | 丹迪西服



2018/2/28-3/4 曼谷迷幻婚紗招募中 (已完成行程)
2018/4月初 日本京都婚紗招募中 (限量超值優惠3組)
2018/8月 法國、荷蘭婚紗拍攝招募中( 限量3組 )
2018/10-12月 澳洲、紐西蘭、婚紗招募中 (限量10組)
2019/1月 北海道(限量3組)





Hi i'm Yaffa , i have been a professional editorial photographer for just over 7 years. I love shooting for amazing about the marriage of two amazing people. My approach to wedding photography is documentary. My main goal is to capture natural moments that tell the story of your day and your relationships with those people that are closest to you. I try and do all this while remaining as out of sight as possible. If you'd like more information on my photography or have any questions about packages, rates and destination weddings please get in touch. I'd love to tell your story.




Contact us
Email : yaffaphoto@gmail.com
Message: m.me/yaffaphotography
Web : http://87photography.weebly.com




