



According to Bonnie Taylor-Blake, a researcher at the University of North Carolina, Factory Management and Maintenance - a labour market newsletter - lays claim to the first use of the term as it relates to the holiday.
依照Bonnie Taylor-Blake,一位北卡羅萊納州大學研究者的說法,有一份叫做「工廠管理與維護」的勞工市場通訊刊物,宣稱是其首次使用了和節日相關的「感恩節後星期五症狀」一詞。

In 1951 the circular drew attention to the suspiciously high level of sickness that day.

"'Friday-after-Thanksgiving-itis' is a disease second only to the bubonic plague in its effects. At least that's the feeling of those who have to get production out, when Black Friday comes along. The shop may be half empty, but every absentee was sick - and can prove it," reads the circular.
