Postcrossing is a new project that was formed by our English teacher. It is mainly about sending postcards to someone over the world. When I heard this project, my mind was filled up with lots of imagination and expectations, such as" Which country will I be able to send postcards to? " and " What kind of person will be my first pen-pal? " I haven't written postcards before, so I think it's such a cool thing to communicate with others by postcards. However, instead of being eager to follow more information, I lost track of it. I was astonished to hearsome news from my classmates about this project, and I suddenly called it to mind. So I picked a simple postcard from home as fast as I could. Then I received a address from the net. To my surprise, my pen-pal is in German! I felt a little bit excited because several of my classmates' pen-pal are from Russia. She mentioned in her profile that she likes postcards of animals without dogs and cats(because she already had enough), luckily, the picture of mine is a green butterfly! It looks graceful and peace. I think it is suitable for her and hope she will like it!




There's my postcard and the website " postcrossing" .



