






Burberry旗下的約克郡工廠原本是生產風衣,為了對抗疫情,將廠中的衣材轉為製作醫院工作服和口罩。除此之外,他們還使用自家的供應鏈協助運送醫療設備,向英國國民保健署(National Health Service)提供 10 萬多個手術口罩。

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3/3 Burberry contributes to the fight against COVID-19. We are donating to charities that are dedicated to tackling food poverty across the UK, including FareShare and The Felix Project. With increasing pressures on food supplies for those in need, these organisations are expanding their efforts to help those struggling as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Though we are apart, we stand together. Stay safe, #StayHome.

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在1月底疫情才剛爆發的時候,LVMH集團就已經先捐了七千萬臺幣給地方政府和醫療機構,不過隨著時尚產業重鎮義大利和法國相繼淪陷,當地民眾在恐慌下搶購民生物資造成防疫用品極度短缺,對此LVMH集團果斷拍板定案,即日起將旗下生產香水、化妝品的 3 間工廠,改為製造消毒酒精、洗手液,並且會免費把洗手液提供給法國衛生局與各大醫療機構使用。

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#LVMHjoinsforces Given the risk of a shortage of hydroalcoholic gel in France, Bernard Arnault instructed the LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics business to manufacture within their production sites as much gel as needed to support the public authorities. Since Monday, the gel has been delivered free of charge daily to the French health authorities and as a priority to the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris. The LVMH Group would like to express a special THANK YOU to all those who made it possible, in particular to our exceptional production teams from guerlain, diorparfums and givenchybeauty who have shown great solidarity and engagement in a spirit of collective effort for the common good. The Group and its Maisons are extremely proud and humbled to do their part in the fight against COVID-19 and to help those whose mission is to protect and care for others. As such, we will continue to honour this commitment for as long as necessary, in connection with the French health authorities. #Coronavirus #COVID19 #APHP #staysafe #StayAtHome #COVID2019france #LVMH #LVMHtalents #Guerlain #ParfumsChristianDior #DiorParfums #Dior #GivenchyBeauty #Givenchy

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公告中也指出,在這波前所未見的全球健康與經濟危機中,Chanel 作為負責任的企業,絕不裁員也不放無薪假,旗下8500名員工仍可照領八週的薪水,此舉既能支持員工的生計,也有助於維持國內的消費力。

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BY THE WINDOW. From our House to yours, CHANEL wishes to express its solidarity with everyone staying at home or affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. We are grateful to those supporting others during these unprecedented times. #StayHome #AllTogether #ByTheWindow #Merci Photographs by Alexander Liberman, Karl Lagerfeld and Peter Lindbergh. Film by Steve McQueen. With Gabrielle Chanel, Heidi Mount-Whitworth, Gaspard Ulliel and Diane Kruger. -  CHANEL 2009, 2017, 2014  Getty Images 1951

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Kering開雲集團除了預計採購300萬個外科口罩,以供應法國的衞生部門所需之外,也宣佈旗下的Balenciaga 和 Yves Saint Laurent也會將部份產能轉而協助生產口罩,旗下的另一大品牌Gucci 也會捐贈110萬個外科口罩和 5.5 萬套醫療防護衣,相關的生產技術和所用材料皆已獲得相關部門批准,也會確保員工採取嚴格的健康保護措施。

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Kering contributes to the fight against Covid-19. 1/3 The Kering Group is playing its part in combating the Covid-19 pandemic in France. In the days ahead, Kering will provide the French health service with 3 million surgical masks, which the Group will purchase and import from China. Let’s stay strong together. More info in the link in bio.

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Salvatore Ferragamo

義大利精品皮件的龍頭品牌Salvatore Ferragamo日前也宣佈,旗下產能將投入口罩生產工作,來幫助疫情嚴重的義大利。Salvatore Ferragamo 表示:「為了對抗新冠病毒肆虐,我們已與托斯卡納地區達成協議,將投入製造並捐贈 100,000 枚抗菌口罩、50,000 瓶乾洗手以及 3,000 枚具 FPP1 等級的口罩給予當地的醫療機構。期待我們能攜手度過難關!」

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As our contribution towards fighting the larger battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, Salvatore Ferragamo has taken the initiative of producing and donating 100,000 TNT anti-bacterial masks, providing 50,000 pieces of hand sanitizer and 3,000 FPP1 masks to local healthcare units in an agreement with the region of Tuscany. Together, we shall overcome!

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Our consumers challenge us to be the fastest we can be  so our #supplychain is all about agility, flexibility and efficiency. 24h fast prototyping, 3D printing, digitized supply real-time management, agile production lines... Welcome to the industry 4.0!  #operations #industry40 #lorealoperations

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PRADA向義大利的三家醫院:San Raffaele、Sacco 和 Vittore Buzzi 捐贈了兩個著重於重症監護和復甦的醫療中心,並從 3 月 18 日開始生產 8 萬份醫療用防護衣與 11 萬份口罩,用來分配給醫護人員使用。

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Rough, yet refined: a woven bucket bag made from treated corn husks and braided leather, adorned with the classic triangle logo. Discover more via link in bio. Creative direction ferdinandoverderi Styling #olivierrizzo #PradaSS20 #Prada

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寶格麗除了一個月前捐贈給率先分離出病毒株的羅馬 Spallanzani 醫院最新的 3D 高清晰顯微鏡之外,又宣佈和長久合作的香水製造夥伴 ICR(Industrie Cosmetiche Riunite, Lodi)一起生產抗菌洗手凝膠,並將這些產品優先提供給義大利所有的醫療機構。目標在前兩個月內達到單日6000 瓶的產量,並且在未來兩個月內達到生產數量 20 萬瓶。

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Hand in Hand with Italy. We are now making sanitizers to donate to the Italian effort against COVID-19. Production of sanitizers began today, and will continue as long as it takes to keep people safe, in partnership with our trusted partner, ICR. We owe this feat to the unwavering spirit of our workers, and the workers of Italy, in whose courageous hands this fight is being fought. They are selflessly united behind our country’s cause, so we have the best chance of overcoming the situation. We see and support you. Together, we will overcome. . . . #BvlgariSupportsYou #SafeHands #Bvlgari #iorestoacasa #fightcovid19 #lvmhjoinsforces

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Right now we're facing a situation that no one could really prepare for. In these times of uncertainty we’re following the advice from government and local authorities. We're adapting to ever-changing situations, and are truly grateful to have fantastic teams collaborating to support our customers, colleagues and partners all around the world. In response to the prevention and control of the disease outbreak, we have already, or will shortly, close many of our stores. In stores that remain open or are re-opened, we’re prepared to respond quickly to any emerging situation. We’d also like to share the good news that the non-profit hmfoundation has donated 500,000 USD to the World Health Organization to help prevent the spread of this pandemic. Please stay safe and take care of one another, wherever you are. H&M

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美國總統川普先前啟動《國防生產法》(Defense Production Act,DPA),該法允許總統要求美國企業生產用於國防的設備,並號召Ford、GM、Tesla等本土車廠協助生產呼吸器等設備,而川普日前也在推特發文表示這3家車廠已獲準生產。


