










該原語表示對一給定序列 ,一個左單元 ,和一個操作 ,輸出一個序列 。需要注意,該原語的B序列中每一元素不包含A中對應位置元素,因此是exclusive的。

2) Scan(inclusive)

該原語表示對一給定序列 ,一個左單元 ,和一個操作 ,輸出一個序列 。需要注意,該原語的B序列中每一元素包含A中對應位置元素,因此是inclusive的。

3) SegmentScan

該原語表示對一給定序列 ,一個標識切片的序列 ,一個左單元 ,和一個操作 ,輸出一個序列 ,該序列中每一分段相互獨立的進行Scan操作。





template<typename T>
__global__ void LScan_1_(const T* input, T* output, T* middle, const int size, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem_value[];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[threadIdx.x] = idx < size ? input[idx] : prim;

//reduce L1
for (d = 0, t = 1; t * 2 <= blockDim.x; d++)
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(block_mem_value[p], block_mem_value[p + t]);
t <<= 1;

//write to L2
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
middle[blockIdx.x] = block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1];

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];

template<typename T>
__global__ void LScan_2_(const T* input, T* output, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem_value[];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[idx] = input[idx];

for (d = 0, t = 1; t * 4 <= blockDim.x; d++)
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(block_mem_value[p], block_mem_value[p + t]);
t <<= 1;

// set last to prim
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (idx == 0)
block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1] = prim;

for (; d >= 0; d--) {
if (idx << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = idx + t - 1;
float tmp = block_mem_value[p];
block_mem_value[p] = block_mem_value[p + t];
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(tmp, block_mem_value[p + t]);
t >>= 1;

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];

template<typename T>
__global__ void LScan_3_(const T* middle, T* output, int saved_d, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem_value[];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[threadIdx.x] = output[idx];

//write back to L1
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1] = middle[blockIdx.x];

//map L1
for (d = saved_d, t = blockDim.x >> 1; d >= 0; d--) {
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
float tmp = block_mem_value[p];
block_mem_value[p] = block_mem_value[p + t];
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(tmp, block_mem_value[p + t]);
t >>= 1;

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];

template<typename T>
void LScan(BufferPool<T>& TPool, int size, CUDABuffer<T>& input, CUDABuffer<T>& output, T prim, T(*fp)(T, T), bool inclusive = false) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);
int2 disp1 = DispachNum(pow_of_2, 128);
int2 disp2 = DispachNum(disp1.x, 128);

CUDABuffer<T>& middle1= TPool.Get(disp1.x);
CUDABuffer<T>& middle2= TPool.Get(disp2.x);


LScan_1_<T><<<disp1.x, disp1.y, disp1.y * sizeof(T)>>>(input, output, middle1, size, prim, fp);

LScan_1_<T><<<disp2.x, disp2.y, disp2.y * sizeof(T)>>>(middle1, middle1, middle2, disp1.x, prim, fp);

LScan_2_<T><<<1, disp2.x, disp2.x * sizeof(T)>>>(middle2, middle2, prim, fp);

LScan_3_<T><<<disp2.x, disp2.y, disp2.y * sizeof(T)>>>(middle2, middle1, MinNoneZero(disp2.y) - 1, prim, fp);

LScan_3_<T><<<disp1.x, disp1.y, disp1.y * sizeof(T)>>>(middle1, output, MinNoneZero(disp1.y) - 1, prim, fp);


template<typename T>
__global__ void LSScan_1_(const T* input, const int* segment, T* output, int* segtemp, T* middle_v, int* middle_s, const int size, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem[];
T *block_mem_value = block_mem;
int *block_mem_segment = (int*)&block_mem[blockDim.x];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[threadIdx.x] = idx < size ? input[idx] : prim;
block_mem_segment[threadIdx.x] = idx < size ? segment[idx] : 0;

//reduce L1
for (d = 0, t = 1; t * 2 <= blockDim.x; d++)
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
if (!block_mem_segment[p + t])
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(block_mem_value[p], block_mem_value[p + t]);
block_mem_segment[p + t] = block_mem_segment[p] | block_mem_segment[p + t];
t <<= 1;

//write to L2
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
middle_v[blockIdx.x] = block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1];
middle_s[blockIdx.x] = block_mem_segment[blockDim.x - 1];
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];
segtemp[idx] = block_mem_segment[threadIdx.x];

template<typename T>
__global__ void LSScan_2_(const T* input, const int* original_segment, T* output, int* segment, const int stride, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem[];
T *block_mem_value = block_mem;
int *block_mem_segment = (int*)&block_mem[blockDim.x];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[idx] = input[idx];
block_mem_segment[idx] = segment[idx];

for (d = 0, t = 1; t * 4 <= blockDim.x; d++)
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
if (!block_mem_segment[p + t])
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(block_mem_value[p], block_mem_value[p + t]);
block_mem_segment[p + t] = block_mem_segment[p] | block_mem_segment[p + t];
t <<= 1;

// set last to prim
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (idx == 0)
block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1] = prim;

for (; d >= 0; d--) {
if (idx << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = idx + t - 1;
float tmp = block_mem_value[p];
block_mem_value[p] = block_mem_value[p + t];
int if1 = original_segment[(idx + t)*stride];
if (if1)
block_mem_value[p + t] = prim;
else if (block_mem_segment[p])
block_mem_value[p + t] = tmp;
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(tmp, block_mem_value[p + t]);
block_mem_segment[p] = 0;
t >>= 1;

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];
segment[idx] = block_mem_segment[idx];

template<typename T>
__global__ void LSScan_3_(const T* middle_v, const int* middle_s, const int* original_seg, int*segment, T* output, T* outseg, const int stride, const int saved_d, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem[];
T *block_mem_value = block_mem;
int *block_mem_segment = (int*)&block_mem[blockDim.x];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[threadIdx.x] = output[idx];
block_mem_segment[threadIdx.x] = segment[idx];

//write back to L1
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1] = middle_v[blockIdx.x];
block_mem_segment[blockDim.x - 1] = middle_s[blockIdx.x];
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0

//map L1
for (d = saved_d, t = blockDim.x >> 1; d >= 0; d--) {
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
float tmp = block_mem_value[p];
block_mem_value[p] = block_mem_value[p + t];
int if1 = original_seg[(idx + t)*stride];
if (if1)
block_mem_value[p + t] = prim;
else if (block_mem_segment[p])
block_mem_value[p + t] = tmp;
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(tmp, block_mem_value[p + t]);
block_mem_segment[p] = 0;
t >>= 1;

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];
outseg[idx] = block_mem_segment[threadIdx.x];

template<typename T>
__global__ void LSScan_4_(const T* middle_v, const T* middle_s, const int* original_segment, T* output, int*segtemp, const int size, const int saved_d, const T prim, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int d, t;
extern __shared__ T block_mem[];
T *block_mem_value = block_mem;
int *block_mem_segment = (int*)&block_mem[blockDim.x];

// init shared memory
block_mem_value[threadIdx.x] = output[idx];
block_mem_segment[threadIdx.x] = segtemp[idx];

//write back to L1
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
block_mem_value[blockDim.x - 1] = middle_v[blockIdx.x];
block_mem_segment[blockDim.x - 1] = middle_s[blockIdx.x];
#ifndef WRITE_TYPE_0

//map L1
for (d = saved_d, t = blockDim.x >> 1; d >= 0; d--) {
if (threadIdx.x << (31 - d) == 0) {
int p = threadIdx.x + t - 1;
float tmp = block_mem_value[p];
block_mem_value[p] = block_mem_value[p + t];
if (original_segment[idx + t])
block_mem_value[p + t] = prim;
else if (block_mem_segment[p])
block_mem_value[p + t] = tmp;
block_mem_value[p + t] = fp(tmp, block_mem_value[p + t]);
block_mem_segment[p] = 0;
t >>= 1;

//write result
output[idx] = block_mem_value[threadIdx.x];

template<typename T>
__global__ void Add_(const T* A, const T* B, T* C, const int size, T(*fp)(T, T)) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

if (idx < size)
C[idx] = fp(A[idx], B[idx]);

template<typename T>
void LSScan(BufferPool<T>& TPool, BufferPool<int>& intPool, int size, CUDABuffer<T>& input, CUDABuffer<int>& segment, CUDABuffer<T>& output, T prim, T(*fp)(T, T), bool inclusive = false) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);
int2 disp1 = DispachNum(pow_of_2, 128);
int2 disp2 = DispachNum(disp1.x, 128);

CUDABuffer<T>& segtemp = TPool.Get(pow_of_2);
CUDABuffer<T>& middlev1 = TPool.Get(disp1.x);
CUDABuffer<T>& middlev2 = TPool.Get(disp2.x);
CUDABuffer<int>& middles1 = intPool.Get(disp1.x);
CUDABuffer<int>& middles1tmp = intPool.Get(disp1.x);
CUDABuffer<int>& middles2 = intPool.Get(disp2.x);


LSScan_1_<T><<<disp1.x,disp1.y,disp1.y*(sizeof(T)+sizeof(int))>>>(input, segment, output, segtemp, middlev1, middles1, size, prim, fp);

LSScan_1_<T><<<disp2.x,disp2.y,disp2.y*(sizeof(T)+sizeof(int))>>>(middlev1, middles1, middlev1, middles1tmp, middlev2, middles2, disp1.x, prim, fp);

LSScan_2_<T><<<1,disp2.x,disp2.x*(sizeof(T)+sizeof(int))>>>(middlev2, segment, middlev2, middles2, disp1.y * disp2.y, prim, fp);

LSScan_3_<T><<<disp2.x,disp2.y,disp2.y*(sizeof(T)+sizeof(int))>>>(middlev2, middles2, segment, middles1tmp, middlev1, middles1, disp1.y, MinNoneZero(disp2.y) - 1, prim, fp);

LSScan_4_<T><<<disp1.x,disp1.y,disp1.y*(sizeof(T)+sizeof(int))>>>(middlev1, middles1, segment, output, segtemp, size, MinNoneZero(disp1.y) - 1, prim, fp);


if (inclusive)
Add_<T><<<disp1.x, disp1.y>>>(input, output, output, size, fp);


template<typename T>
__global__ void Inv_(const T* A, T* B, const int size) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

if (idx < size)
B[size - 1 - idx] = A[idx];

template<typename T>
__global__ void Inv_(T* A, const int size) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int s_1 = size - 1;

if (idx < size / 2) {
T tmp = A[idx];
A[idx] = A[s_1 - idx];
A[s_1 - idx] = tmp;

template<typename T>
__global__ void InvSeg_(const T* A, T* B, const int size) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

if (idx < size) {
unsigned int t = size - idx; //注意這裡的左移操作,請思考為何
t = t % ((unsigned int)size);
B[idx] = A[t];

template<typename T>
void LSScanInv(BufferPool<T>& TPool, BufferPool<int>& intPool, int size, CUDABuffer<T>& input, CUDABuffer<int>& segment, CUDABuffer<T>& output, T prim, T(*fp)(T, T), bool inclusive = false) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);
int2 disp1 = DispachNum(size, 64);

CUDABuffer<T>& input_inv = TPool.Get(pow_of_2);
CUDABuffer<T>& segment_inv = TPool.Get(pow_of_2);

Inv_<T><<<disp1.x, disp1.y>>>(input, input_inv, size);

InvSeg_<T><<<disp1.x, disp1.y>>>(segment, segment_inv, size);

LSScan(TPool, intPool, size, input_inv, segment_inv, output, prim, fp, inclusive);


Inv_<T><<<disp1.x, disp1.y/2>>>(output, size);


Segment Split:



__global__ void GetNF_(int size, const int* e, const int* f, const int* segment, int* NF) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

if (idx == size - 1 || segment[idx + 1] == 1) {
NF[idx] = e[idx] + f[idx];
NF[idx] = 0;

void GetNF(int size, CUDABuffer<int>& e, CUDABuffer<int>& f, CUDABuffer<int>& segment, CUDABuffer<int>& NF) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);
int2 disp1 = DispachNum(size, 64);

GetNF_<<<disp1.x, disp1.y>>>(size, e, f, segment, NF);

__global__ void Getidb_(const int* segment, int* idb) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

if (segment[idx] == 1) {
idb[idx] = idx;
idb[idx] = 0;

void Getidb(int size, CUDABuffer<int>& segment, CUDABuffer<int>& idb) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);
int2 disp1 = DispachNum(size, 64);

Getidb_<<<disp1.x, disp1.y>>>(segment, idb);

__global__ void GetIndex_(const int* e, const int* f, const int* idS, const int* NFS, int* index) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

index[idx] = e[idx] ? (f[idx] + idS[idx]) : (idx - f[idx] + NFS[idx]);

void GetIndex(int size, CUDABuffer<int>& e, CUDABuffer<int>& f, CUDABuffer<int>& idS, CUDABuffer<int>& NFS, CUDABuffer<int>& index) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);
int2 disp1 = DispachNum(size, 64);

GetIndex_<<<disp1.x, disp1.y>>>(e, f, idS, NFS, index);

void SegmentSplitIndex(int size, CUDABuffer<int>& boolen, CUDABuffer<int>& segment, CUDABuffer<int>& output) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);

auto& f = pool.Get(pow_of_2);
LSScan(pool, pool, size, boolen, segment, f, 0, int_add);

auto& NF = pool.Get(pow_of_2);
GetNF(size, boolen, f, segment, NF);
auto& NFS = pool.Get(pow_of_2);
LSScanInv(pool, pool, size, NF, segment, NFS, 0, int_add, true);

auto& idb = pool.Get(pow_of_2);
Getidb(size, segment, idb);
auto& idS = pool.Get(pow_of_2);
LSScan(pool, pool, size, idb, segment, idS, 0, int_add, true);

// combine result
GetIndex(size, boolen, f, idS, NFS, output);


template<typename T>
void SegmentSplit(int size, CUDABuffer<T>& input, CUDABuffer<int>& boolen, CUDABuffer<int>& segment, CUDABuffer<T>& output) {
int pow_of_2 = Min2Pow(size);

//get new index
auto& new_index = pool.Get(pow_of_2);
SegmentSplitIndex(size, boolen, segment, new_index);

//switch result
Switch(size, input, new_index, output);


沒做完全的測試,小規模測試結果似乎是正確的,就當是對的吧233。就耗時來看,目前的實現還是十分優秀的,在4M的規模下也僅需0.1ms,應該說為後續的實時GPU KDTree打下了較好的基礎。

[1] Real-Time KD-Tree Construction on Graphics Hardware Kun Zhou? ? Qiming Hou? Rui Wang? Baining Guo? ? ?Zhejiang University ?Tsinghua University ?Microsoft Research Asia

[2]Scan Primitives for GPU Computing Shubhabrata Sengupta, Mark Harris, Yao Zhang, and John D. Owens University of California, Davis NVIDIA Corporation
