
普通科目:國文及英文 *皆為四選一單選選擇題。共50 題,每題2 分


(A) 1.

下列「 」內的字音,何者正確?
(A)舉世哀「悼」 → ㄉㄠˋ   (B)白髮「皤皤」 → ㄆㄢˋㄆㄢˋ
(C)「蕞」爾小國 → ㄘㄨㄛˋ (D)「褫」奪公權 → ㄉㄧˇˋ

(D) 2. 下列詞語中,何者用字完全正確?
(A)戰戰競競  (B)彼彼皆是  (C)估名釣譽  (D)喜出望外
(B) 3. 下列有關句子解釋,何者錯誤?
(D) 4. 所謂「六經」是指:
(A)三禮、三傳                  (B)詩、書、易、禮、爾雅、春秋
(C)詩、書、易、禮、春秋、孝經  (D)詩、書、易、禮、樂、春秋
(D) 5. 漢字的造字法,古人歸納為象形、指事、會意、形聲、轉注、假借六種。
(A)象形  (B)指事  (C)會意  (D)形聲
(A) 6. 某地的色情行業如雨後春筍般到處林立,隨處可見,真可謂「 」。填入「 」
(A)春城無處不飛花              (B)萬國笙歌醉太平
(C)仙樂飄飄處處聞              (D)雲想衣裳花想容
(C) 7. 「三人行,必有我師焉」一語的出處是:
(A)《孟子‧梁惠王》            (B)《莊子‧養生主》
(C)《論語‧述而》              (D)《韓非子‧五蠹》
(B) 8. 杜甫〈八陣圖〉:「功蓋三分國,名成八陣圖。江流石不轉,遺恨失吞吳。」
(A)劉備   (B)諸葛亮   (C)曹操   (D)孫權
(C) 9. 李白才氣縱橫,天資高妙,詩作膾炙人口,素有何種稱譽?
(A)詩鬼   (B)詩聖     (C)詩仙   (D)詩佛
(A) 10. 李密〈陳情表〉云:「外無期功強近之親,內無應門五尺之僮;煢煢獨立,
(A)人丁稀少  (B)由剝而復  (C)家無恆產  (D)家世顯赫
(A) 11. 文天祥〈正氣歌〉云:「或為出師表,鬼神泣壯烈;或為渡江楫,慷慨吞
胡 羯」,各引用何人的故事?
(A)諸葛亮、祖逖 (B)張巡、許遠 (C)管寧、段秀實 (D)蘇武、嚴顏
(A) 12. 下列各組「 」內注音符號所表示的字形完全相同者為:
(C)按「ㄅㄨˋ」就班/「ㄅㄨˋ ㄅㄨˋ」為營
(C) 13. 朱用純〈朱子治家格言〉云:「聽婦言,乖骨肉,豈是丈夫?重貲財,薄
(B) 14. 子曰:「志於□,據於□,依於□,游於□。」《論語‧述而》四空格依
(A)仁、德、道、藝              (B)道、德、仁、藝 
(C)德、道、仁、藝              (D)德、仁、藝、道
(A) 15. 古詩:「冉冉孤生竹,結根泰山阿。」「冉冉」意為:
(A)柔弱貌  (B)挺直貌  (C)漸生貌  (D)枯萎貌
(D) 16. 郁永河〈臺灣竹枝詞〉寫道:「獨榦凌霄不作枝,垂垂青子任紛披。摘來
(A)甘蔗    (B)芭樂    (C)荔枝    (D)檳榔
(B) 17. 下列引號「 」內的詞語是生活中常用的祝頌語,用法正確的是:
(A)「弄瓦徵祥」用於賀生男      (B)「秦晉之好」用於祝賀婚嫁
(C)「絃歌不輟」用於賀劇院開張  (D)「杏林春暖」用於賀學校落成
(C) 18. 下列各提稱詞用法,何者正確?
(A)用於長輩:大鑒              (B)用於師長:青鑒
(C)用於平輩:雅鑒              (D)用於晚輩:賜鑒
(D) 19. 國家圖書館舉辦一系列「經典巡禮」的活動,要讓全國人民重新認識並閱
(A)演說辯論的高手──《孟子》    (B)樂在逍遙的大鵬──《莊子》
(A) 20. 同樣是新樂府的健將,同樣遭到貶謫,白居易和元稹二人始終情誼深厚,
(A)莫逆之交   (B)手帕之交     (C)總角之交   (D)市道之交
(B) 21. 「齊桓公好服紫,一國盡服紫」意謂:
(A)政通人和   (B)上行下效     (C)朝綱不振   (D)上下交相賊
(C) 22. 《史記》與《漢書》的作者分別是:
(A)屈原/孔子 (B)孔子/司馬遷 (C)司馬遷/班固 (D)班固/裴松之
(C) 23. 李白〈長干行〉詩云:「門前遲行跡,一一生綠苔。苔深不能掃,落葉秋
(A)期待       (B)歡樂         (C)離愁       (D)憤慨
(D) 24. 許多姓氏的讀音特殊,下列敘述何者錯誤?
(A)區:讀「歐」 (B)任:讀「人」 (C)仇:讀「求」 (D)華:讀「花」
(C) 25.

(A)中國文學的第一部詩歌總集       (B)非一人一時之作
(C)孔子與詩經,有正禮與作詩二事   (D)其內容有風雅頌,作法為賦比興



(B) 26. It’s too cold for me to take a cold shower. Please turn on the _____ for me.
(A)hammer    (B)heater    (C) ladder    (D)locker
(D) 27. A motorcycle rider should wear a _____ to protect his/her head from being
(A)blouse     (B)bracelet   (C)headphone (D)helmet
(B) 28. The value of a house lies in its _____, for example, whether there is a subway
station or a supermarket around.
(A)impression  (B)location   (C)operation  (D)possession
(A) 29. When he thinks, he likes to _____ his face with two hands, so no one can see
his facial expression.
(A)cover       (B)dish      (C) slap     (D)paint
(B) 30. It was very kind of him to _____ my mistake. I’d never forget his kindness.
(A)discount     (B)forgive   (C)refuse    (D) target
(D) 31. When I don’t know what to do, I usually _____ to God for guidance.
(A)drop        (B)force     (C)leak     (D)pray
(C) 32. The room is so _____ that I can see nothing here.
(A)alive        (B)clean     (C) dark    (D)ugly
(B) 33. You look _____ to me. I must have met you somewhere before.
(A)attractive    (B)familiar   (C)innocent (D)romantic


(C) 34. _____ he is honest is known to everyone in his class.
(A)However    (B)Somehow  (C)That    (D)What
(D) 35. _____ a new language is interesting.
(A)I learn      (B)I learning   (C) Learn  (D)Learning
(C) 36. We loved Helen because she_____.
(A)worked hardly       (B)had worked hardly
(C)was hard-working    (D)was worked hard
(B) 37. Tom called to check _____ I had received his message.
(A)and        (B) if         (C)so      (D)that
(A) 38. This job is easy. I think I can finish it _____ myself.
(A)by         (B) in         (C)to      (D)with
(A) 39. John, please remember _____ off the lights when you leave.
(A)to turn      (B) be turned   (C) turned  (D)turning
(C) 40. I walked to school on foot, and _____.
(A)John walked, too     (B)neither does John
(C) so did John         (D)John is, either


Any foreigner in Taiwan will tell you that the most difficult part of adapting to culture shock is the language barrier. Everyday activities, such as ordering food and asking for directions, 41 challenges for a newcomer. Problems in communication can 42 frustration and, in some cases, anger. In these cases, the first forms of the language to be learned are usually abusive. This is unfortunate. Learning a foreign language makes it easier for us to communicate with people from that country, but we must become 43 with the polite forms of that language. In English, people show courtesy by the use of three important features.
First, people use sentence structures such as “Would you mind…?” Second, they can use different words. For example, they might say “Please be quiet.” 44 the rude form “Shut up!” Finally, speakers use the 45 of voice. In English, a rising tone can show politeness.

(B) 41.

(A) became   (B) become   (C)becomes   (D) has become

(A) 42. (A)lead to    (B) come to   (C) let up     (D) put up
(C) 43. (A)additional (B)adventurous (C) familiar   (D)logical
(D) 44. (A)instead    (B) in case    (C) in case of  (D)instead of
(C) 45. (A)pitch      (B) sound     (C)tone      (D)quality


The authorities in China have told a TV station to stop broadcasting “Super Girl,” one of the most popular shows on TV. It’s a talent contest where women of all ages blast out their favorite tunes.
The government often bans programs it considers to be unsuitable. And regulators have now told the program maker, Hunan Satellite Television, not to film another series next year. Officially, they say the show’s too long: some episodes last three hours. But many believe the authorities simply don’t like the program's lowbrow tone or the fact that it’s extremely popular and so financially successful.
The authorities regularly get themselves worked up about TV shows. They’ve just taken a channel off air for a whole month for showing a program that had a negative impact on society, as they put it. In future, the makers of “Super Girl” are promising to put on programs that promote moral ethics. Information about public safety and housework are two suggested topics. That might please the regulators, but it’s unlikely to attract the viewers.

(A) 46.

What is the main idea of this passage?
(A)A popular show was banned.
(B)Chinese government would air a talent show.
(C)TV stations have to work hard to promote their profits.
(D)All TV programs were considered unsuitable.

(B) 47. Which of the following statements about “Super Girl” is true?
(A)It’s for young women.       (B) It has made a lot of money.
(C)It is shown two hours a time.  (D)It is popular with the authorities.
(C) 48. What is the excuse the government gave to stop “Super Girl?”
(A)The program lost its popularity among young people.
(B)The program had a negative impact on society.
(C) The program is too long.
(D)The program will find a new production company and channel.
(C) 49. How will Hunan Satellite Television deal with the problem?
(A)Negotiate with the authorities.       (B)Pay a big fine.
(C) Change the contents of “Super Girl.” (D) Buy a new channel.
(B) 50. What’s the author’s attitude toward the possible change of “Super Girl?”
(A)Not Clear   (B)Negative   (C) Neutral   (D)Positive




