
全家居家隔離!臘腸多了陪伴超興奮 尾巴竟「搖到出問題」

So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said ‘he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it’

— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 20, 2020


自從新冠肺炎(COVID-19)出現後,不少人為了健康考量,必須或選擇自主隔離在家。英國一名網友Emma Smith在Twitter發文分享近況,提到全家人正在居家隔離,愛犬「Rolo」因此開心得不得了,但某天牠尾巴竟然變得不能動了,在獸醫細心檢查之下,才得知Rolo的尾巴是「搖得太過度」纔出問題。►ETtoday寵物雲有IG了!快來追蹤吧



狗狗只要心情好或興奮時,總會忍不住搖著尾巴,7歲臘腸狗Rolo這幾天多了家人的陪伴,一時之間開心過了頭,激動到尾巴搖不停才扭傷。Emma Smith完全沒想過會發生這樣的事,於是隔天繼續分享後續,「狗狗目前有在喫止痛藥,獸醫說牠大約1個禮拜之內就能康復。」►這一招讓毛孩更愛你~好喫好玩好實用


Didn’t expect this happen, for those asking, he is currently on pain relief and the vet said he should be healed within a week, this is him on the 2nd day. He is super happy and there is now movement from side to side but he is struggling to lift it up in the air. pic.twitter.com/dY0o96HOpj

— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 21, 2020


Thanks for everyone’s concern, im sure he will be back wagging like this in no time pic.twitter.com/xyt3qR9KjI

— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 21, 2020



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►散步前偷跑! 老狗「被罰顧家」大聲頂嘴...她無奈:15歲個性還不改
►打架體力耗盡! 德國牧羊犬「嘴裡含貓頭」熟睡笑翻千萬人


