
奴才在家上班!腊肠太嗨「尾巴摇坏掉」 医生解答傻眼

So my dog has been so happy that everyone is home for quarantine, that his tail has stopped working, so we went to the vet and the vet said ‘he had sprained his tail from excessively wagging it’

— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 20, 2020


美国网友Emma Smith和家人近来因为新冠肺炎疫情在家上班,最开心的莫过于他们家的腊肠狗Rolo,但是有天家人发现Rolo怪怪的,尾巴好像失去功能不会摇了,他们紧急送到医院结果大爆笑。

Emma Smith在推特@Emmasmith77xx分享,「我家狗狗很开心大家都在家隔离,结果牠的尾巴突然不会动了,我们带他去看医生,医生说牠因为太激动尾巴摇到扭伤了。」这段贴文吸引108万赞与14.1万转发,大家都对Rolo的遭遇心疼又想笑。

Didn’t expect this happen, for those asking, he is currently on pain relief and the vet said he should be healed within a week, this is him on the 2nd day. He is super happy and there is now movement from side to side but he is struggling to lift it up in the air. pic.twitter.com/dY0o96HOpj

— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 21, 2020

Rolo是一只巧克力色的四目腊肠狗,一双大眼睛和摇个不停的尾巴是家人最爱的招牌,Emma Smith分享Rolo尾巴正常运作的影片,只见Rolo的尾巴翘得老高边跑边摇,藏不住心里有多开心,但是现在Rolo的尾巴只能垂著,就算玩玩具很开心也只能小幅度摆动。Emma Smith表示,医生已经先帮Rolo止痛,大约1周才能痊愈,「希望Rolo赶紧找回牠的尾巴。」

Thanks for everyone’s concern, im sure he will be back wagging like this in no time pic.twitter.com/xyt3qR9KjI

— Emma smith (@Emmasmith77xx) March 21, 2020




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