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中国日报九月热辞汇总一周热词榜(9.1-7)1. 科学素质scientific literacy


综合素质 comprehensive quality创新能力 innovation capacity科技实力 technological strength国际竞争力 international competitiveness2. 正当防卫justifiable defense[相关辞汇]行凶 commit physical assault or murder管制刀具 restricted knives持刀袭击 knife attack

人身安全 personal safety

3. 性侵案sexual assault case[相关辞汇]性骚扰 sexual harassment性暴力 sexual violence性别平等 gender equality轻罪 misdemeanor重罪 felony4. 播放量view counts[相关辞汇]

流量数据 traffic data

流媒体 stream media网剧 online series弹幕 bullet screen价值导向 value orientation5. 匿名高官anonymous senior official[相关辞汇]阻止议程 frustrate agenda假媒体 phony media outlets 加入谴责 join the denunciations

掀起轩然大波 send shockwaves

一周热词榜(9.8-14)1. 就业力employability[相关辞汇]就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship慢就业 delayed employment自由职业者 freelancer 自主创业 self-employment 就业压力 employment pressure2. 传承计划succession plan


卓越的才华 superb talent商业头脑 business acumen 坚定沉著的领导力 determined leadership 坚信使命愿景 hold dear our mission and vision勇于担当 embrace responsibility with passion3. 评书艺术家pingshu artist[相关辞汇]说书人 pingshu performer, storyteller相声 cross talk

评弹 storytelling and ballad singing

舞台道具 stage props民间艺术 folk art地方戏曲 local operas4. 双卡双待dual-SIM dual standby[相关辞汇]硬体升级 hardware upgrading处理器 processor操作系统 operating system解锁 unlock

人脸识别 face recognition

可穿戴设备 wearable device5. 娘炮之风feminization trend[相关辞汇]娘娘腔 sissy pants妆容精致 wear delicate makeup 主流审美 mainstream aesthetic少年娘则中国娘 If a teenager is sissy, then the country is sissy. 一周热词榜(9.15-21)1. 在线开方issue prescriptions online


慢性病 chronic diseases急性病 acute diseases遵医嘱 follow the doctors advice在线开药 prescribe medicines online互联网医疗咨询市场 online medical consulting market2. 网路文学online literature[相关辞汇]在线阅读平台 online reading platform文学阅读 literary reading类型小说 genre fiction网路文化 internet culture电子书阅读器 ebook reader阅读习惯 reading habits3. 首位月球旅客first Moon trip passenger[相关辞汇]探月任务 lunar mission月球背面 far side of the moon近地轨道 low Earth orbit太空探索 space exploration可重复使用的火箭 reusable rocket重型运载火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket4. 学习之道study tips[相关辞汇]死记硬背 rote learning要点 bullet points背诵公式 memorize formulas自己考自己 quiz yourself重构作者的观点 reconstruct the authors argument5. 大白兔奶糖味润唇膏White Rabbit candy-flavored lip balms[相关辞汇]口红 lipstick粉底霜 foundation洁面乳 face wash国产品牌 domestic brand水货 pirated product假货 counterfeit product一周热词榜(9.22-28)1. 预算绩效管理budget performance management[相关辞汇]现代财政制度 modern fiscal system财税改革 fiscal and taxation reform国家治理体系 national governance system优化财政资源配置 optimize fiscal resource distribution提升公共服务质量 improve public service quality2. 双创升级版upgraded mass entrepreneurship and innovation[相关辞汇]质量强国、制造强国 manufacturer of advanced and quality products众筹平台 crowdfunding platform普惠金融 inclusive finance大众创业、万众创新 mass entrepreneurship and innovation精准扶贫脱贫 targeted poverty alleviation3. 富时罗素指数FTSE Russell index[相关辞汇]债券指数 bond indexes国际投资者 global/international investor沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect资金流出 capital outflow市场波动性 market volatility4. 地球卫士奖Champions of the Earth Award[相关辞汇]自然环境 natural environment绿色产业 green industry绿色能源 green power/energy生态文明 ecological civilization环境污染 environmental pollution环保意识 environmental awareness低碳生活方式 low-carbon lifestyle5. 最佳外语片Best Foreign Language Film[相关辞汇]原著 original work动作片 action movie武侠片 swordsmen film, martial-arts movie音乐歌舞片 musical古装剧 costume drama催泪片 tear-jerker高斋翻译学堂热词 微博@高斋翻硕 1. a justified and necessary response正当和必要的反应2. trade imbalance with the US对美贸易失衡3. an investigation launched last year into Beijing』s intellectual property practices一项针对中国知识产权惯例的调查4. roll out a further series of tariffs, investment restrictions and other actions aimed directly at China 推出更多直接针对中国的关税、投资限制和其他行动5. cascading trade protectionism不断加剧的贸易保护主义6. risk hurting the global economy可能会损害全球经济7. A trade war is never the right solution打贸易战从来都不是解决问题的正确途径8. advocate a trade war鼓吹贸易战9. present China as a defender of the global trading system将中国呈现为全球贸易体系的捍卫者10. with additional sanctions beyond last week』s punitive taxes on imported steel and aluminium继上周出台针对进口钢铁和铝的惩罚性关税之后,他可能采取额外制裁措施 卢敏微博九月热词总结市场波动性 market volatility沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect 去产能、去库存、去杠杆、降成本、补短板 cutting overcapacity, destocking, deleveraging, reducing costs and identifying growth areas众创、众包、众扶、众筹 crowd innovation, crowd support, crowdsourcing, and crowdfunding质量强国、制造强国 manufacturer of advanced and quality products世界经济增长和变革的新路径 new pathways for global economic growth and transformation.医改 healthcare reform基本药物 essential drugs外资市场准入 market access for foreign investors中国制造、中国服务 made-in-China goods and services短板 short planks多元化、个性化需求 diversified and individualized needs功能性健康饮料 functional wellness beverage群聊 group chat贸易摩擦升级 escalation of trade friction安全防范措施 safety precautions盗取银行账户 bank account theft身份窃取 identity theft网路攻击 cyber attack主流审美 mainstream aesthetic民间艺术 folk art使命愿景 mission and vision就业创业 employment and entrepreneurship双卡双待 Dual SIM Dual Standby全景描绘 panoramic portrayal性别中性 gender neutrality审美标准 aesthetic standard娘炮 sissy家庭亲子游 parent-child/family trip同比增幅 year-on-year growth出境口岸 exit ports金融诈骗 financial fraud直接借贷 direct lending非法集资 illegally raise/collect funds网剧 online series科学素质 scientific literacy传道受业解惑 propagate the doctrine, impart professional knowledge,and resolve doubts科技实力 technological strength集体诉讼 class action lawsuit价值导向 value orientation假媒体 phony media outlets国际竞争力 international competitiveness综合素质 comprehensive quality互联网保险 online insurance电子支付 digital payments金融科技行业 fintech industry流量明星 online celebrity with a huge fan base独立访客数 unique visitor/UV点击量 hits/clicks网页浏览量 page view/PV播放量 view counts合作共赢 pursue win-win cooperation责任共担 assume joint responsibility幸福共享 deliver happiness for all文化共兴 enjoy cultural prosperity安全共筑 ensure common security和谐共生 promote harmony between man and nature危及人身安全 endanger personal safety负刑事责任 bear criminal responsibility正当防卫 justifiable defense避税地 tax haven人身安全 physical safety登录账号密码 login account and password身份认证 identity authentication



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一 高斋翻译学堂创始人Joy 一

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