
影集《王冠》(The Crown)細數歷代英國皇室刻骨銘心的愛情故事,比皇室婚禮設計師婚紗更值得細讀“As leader, one cannot simply react to everyth

美英合作影集《王冠》(The Crown),由彼得·摩根原創與編劇,劇情講述的是有關英國女王伊莉莎白二世統治初期的傳記。第一季的時間點設定於1947年至1955年。共有10集,描繪伊莉莎白與菲利普成婚、父王喬治六世駕崩、加冕典禮、倫敦霧霾事件、瑪格麗特公主與彼得·湯森的戀情和邱吉爾退休等重大歷史事件。第一齌於2016年11月開始播出。第二季從1956年的蘇伊士運河危機到1963年女王第三任首相哈羅德·麥美倫在普羅富莫事件下台為止。


權力的轉換對Elizabeth II與Philip親王的婚姻造成了莫大的影響:依照規定,Philip親王甚至必須走在女王身後兩步。女王登基前,Philip親王便出現高度不適應症,甚至一度試圖要求Elizabeth II為他打破先例:



Elizabeth II一度被醫生要求「停止微笑」,女王卻回答:「但問題是,我就是那種天生臉臭的人,若我不微笑,他們會以為我不高興!」。Elizabeth II開始注射更多的肌肉鬆弛劑。但明明真誠的微笑有益身體健康。一知半解的醫術也可能害人?

‘The Crown’ Queen Elizabeth  Best Quotes 影集《王冠》(The Crown)金句懶人包 

1. “To do nothing is often the best course of action, but I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be. History was not made by those who did nothing.”

2.“One always has to accept one’s own part, I believe, in any mess.”

3.“The first 10 years of marriage are just an overture. That there’s often a crisis at 10 years, but then you work it out and settle in and it’s only then that it really gets into its stride.”

4.“They say listening is important in any marriage.”

5.“In an increasingly complex world, we all need certainty.”

6“People have to be angry at someone. But as leader, one cannot simply react to everything.

7.“Look, I’m strong. You know that. And I can cope with the truth. I just demand to know the truth. It’s when people don’t tell me the truth that I can’t bear it.

8. “Forgiveness is very important to me.”

9.“We’re all dying. That’s what defines the condition of living. ”
10. “For better or worse, the crown has landed on my head.”

♥影集《王冠》(The Crown)劇中經典對話

Queen Elizabeth II: It doesn’t feel right, as Head of State, to do nothing.

Queen Mary: It is exactly right.

Queen Elizabeth II: Is it? But surely doing nothing is no job at all?

Queen Mary: To do nothing is the hardest job of all. And it will take every ounce of energy that you have. To be impartial is not natural, not human. People will always want you to smile or agree or frown. And the minute you do, you will have declared a position. A point of view. And that is the one thing as sovereign that you are not entitled to do. The less you do, the less you say or agree or smile…

Queen Elizabeth II: Or think? Or feel? Or breathe? Or exist?

Queen Mary: The better.

♥影集《王冠》(The Crown)劇中經典對話

Doctor: The air’s a little stuffy, ma’am. It might help to open the window a crack?

Queen Mary: Not while they’re rehearsing.

Doctor: What are they rehearsing?

Queen Mary: My funeral.

▲Claire Foy(克萊兒・芙伊)在Netflix原創電視劇《王冠》中主演伊莉莎白公主及伊莉莎白二世女王。

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