女性產後很容易受荷爾蒙影響而情緒低落,除了擔心新生兒的健康外,有多於一個孩子的母親可能還會害怕忽略了哥哥姐姐的感受。現年31歲前港姐 張名雅日前誕下二兒子Milo,近日她在社交網上大吐再為人母的憂慮,說自己曾抑鬱大哭。

撰文:Angel | 編輯:Chloe | 圖片:張名雅 IG


【好感動!】結婚誓詞的意義 6段最真摯動人的明星誓詞

全港53間直資私小學費一覽 10大學費最平直資私立小學

張名雅 憂心照顧初生B忽略大仔爆喊




她又表示:「大仔Mario第一次知細佬Milo仲係一個BB,當佢見到爸爸、媽媽睇住或抱住Milo時,就扭計Keep住喊,見到佢喊,我個心深深被打咗下!Baby Milo同Baby Mario,爸爸、媽媽用愛創造咗你哋兩個,我哋永遠愛你哋!相信好快,你哋兩兄弟嘅愛會隨成長而滋生❤️兄弟萬歲🙌!」

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So, I have cried several times since my pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that came to my mind was O M G I will have less time to spend on/with Mario and I felt like I have betrayed him. I had teary eyes. Another time it hit me was when I heard stories told by my gynaecologist how some parents tend to focus on the newborn and neglect the older brother. One case was a behaving seven year old kid telling his parents that he will be able to take care of himself and asked them to please focus entirely on the newborn. He was such a thoughtful brother! One day the older brother came back to his mom telling her he was actually upset. The mother bursted into tears. She didn’t realise focusing entirely on the newborn could hurt the son because he told them not to worry. This time tears uncontrollably ran down my cheeks. Another time was when Mario first noticed sai lo Milo is a baby (not just my babybump haha). He continued crying seeing mi mi or ba ba looking at or holding baby Milo. The way he cried hit my heart! To Baby Milo and and Baby Mario: Mi mi and baba created the both of you with love. We will always love the two of you with all our heart! Soon the brotherly love will grow and the two of you will realise how great it is to have a brother! ❤️ Cheers to brotherhood 🙌🏼 Second photo is Baby Milo 👶🏼 Third photo is Baby Mario 👶🏼 #babyMilo #babyMario #momofthree 😏 #hubby #alsoababy #全素顏 #nofilter #messyhairdontcare #sitmoon

A post shared by 張名雅 Carat Cheung (@caratcheung) on Dec 27, 2018 at 6:33pm PST


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We wish you a Merry Christmas! 🎅🏼 P.S. silent night not so silent lol #MerryChristmas #babyMario #babyMilo #december #2018 #silentnight

A post shared by 張名雅 Carat Cheung (@caratcheung) on Dec 24, 2018 at 6:31am PST



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Selfie with baby Milo. (Photo bomb: Mr Choy) Two more days til 39 weeks pregnant! BB你係唔係等我今日返TVB食埋一年一度嘅盤菜宴抽埋個大獎先出世同我地見面呢?😆#NervousMuch #babyMilo #BabyBump #December

A post shared by 張名雅 Carat Cheung (@caratcheung) on Dec 14, 2018 at 2:00am PST

昨晚佢喺IG透露準備生仔,仲留言:「See you soon Baby Milo!」今日下午,佢宣布順產囝囝Milo終於出世喇,仲喺IG上載咗自拍照,留言話多謝各位祝福!


張名雅早前,喺 ig PO 出一張半裸孕照,雙手遮胸,側身挺住巨肚,露出成個背脊,既性感又有美感,仲留言話:「Never stop trying something new! 😉 The human body is the best work of art. More maternity shots coming… stay tuned(不斷嘗試新東西!人類身體是最佳藝術品。)」仲話呢張相已經係自己嘅極限,其他嗰啲會做私人珍藏⋯⋯唔通有影更性感嘅?

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Never stop trying something new! 😉 The human body is the best work of art. More maternity shots coming… stay tuned ✨✨ #maternityshot #babyMilo #bumpwithstyle Credit: 王穎 @wwmakeup @wwphotographyhk

A post shared by 張名雅 Carat Cheung (@caratcheung) on Nov 24, 2018 at 1:16am PST





日前,張名雅係IG分享一段一家四口嘅影片,影片中Milo有一雙明顯嘅眼皮,似足媽咪!名雅仲留言:「這真係一份很大嘅祝福,同時感謝大家嘅祝福,我同Baby Milo都好好!好高興有你,我嘅第二個我兒子,Baby Milo,我愛你!」

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It’s such a blessing and thanks everyone for your wishes. Both baby Milo and I are well! I’m so grateful to have you, my second son, baby Milo. I love you! 😘 #MiloChoy #babyMilo #myson #decemberbabies #youandme Video and photos by @theheavenslove ❤️ (Full version in my FB page ☺️) P.S. 要謝謝林家慧醫生同團隊兩胎都咁照顧我同BB,非常專業有愛心😘

A post shared by 張名雅 Carat Cheung (@caratcheung) on Dec 21, 2018 at 4:11pm PST



