
安雅英文|必考文法好簡單|三步驟寫出《關係代名詞、關係子句 aka 形容詞子句》#第一課


常常聽人家講英文聽到:who.... which... that...





I'm not interested in the topic that you're talking about

I enjoyed the hotel in which we stayed for the honeymoon.

The student who answered the question was Joe.



The man I was talking to is my college professor.

The book John is reading is Harry Potter.



The girl working in Google is my friend.

The book bought by the teachers is interesting.



The hotel where we stayed last month is great.

I can't remember the date when we first met.











that you're talking about  不是句子,只能算是「形容詞」



句子1:The tiger has been shot to death.

句子2:The tiger attacked visitors this morning.





Step 1: 決定主要句子,另一句話則轉為形容詞子句

主要句子:The tiger has been shot to death.

形容詞子句The tiger attacked visitors this morning.


Step 2: 形容詞子句重複的名詞用關係代名詞取代,其他一字不漏照抄

形容詞子句which / that attacked visitors this morning.

  關係代名詞的選擇: who(人)、that(人、物、事)、which(物、事)

tiger 不是人,所以關代可以選擇 which 或 that


Step 3: 找出主要句子中重複的字(The tiger)把形容詞子句接在主要句子中重複的字後面

主要句子:The tiger 形容詞子句從這邊開始接 has been shot to death.

The tiger which/ that attacked visitors this morning has been shot to death.





句子1:Chopsticks are the most important tools.(主要句子)

句子2:People in Taiwan use chopsticks while they eat.(改形容詞句子)

答案:Chopsticks which / that people in Taiwan use while they eat are the most important tools.

或是 Chopsticks are the most important tools which / that people in Taiwan use while they eat.



句子1:The tall man is my high school teacher.(主要句子)

句子2:I saw him at the bookstore(改形容詞句子)

答案:The tall man who / that I saw is my high school teacher.




1. Tom lost the shirt.

The shirt cost him a lot of money.

答案:Tom lost the shirt which cost him a lot of money.

2. We like to eat the fruit. 

Mother bought the fruit last night.

答案:We like to eat the fruit which Mother bought last night.

3. The nurse always comes to the office very early.

The nurse wears a white jacket.

答案:The nurse who wears a white jacket always comes to the office very early.


4. The workers live in Hualien.

Mr. Brown works with the workers every day.

答案:The workers who Mr. Brown works with every day live in Hualien.


5. Everyone loves to read the book.

Helen Jones wrote the book.

答案:Everyone loves to read the book which Helen Jones wrote.


6. The man is the best Chinese teacher at our school.

The man is walking along the street.

答案:The man who is walking along the street is the best Chinese teacher at our school.


7. Every day many people take exercise in the park.

The park has a lot of trees and beautiful flowers.

答案:Every day many people take exercise in the park which has a lot of trees and beautiful flowers.


8. I am very interested in the movies.

The movies are about animals.

答案:I am very interested in the movies which are about animals.


9. Did you see the thousand dollars?

The thousand dollars were on the desk.

答案:Did you see the thousand dollars which were on the desk?


10. Tom has trouble answering the questions.

His classmates answered the questions easily.

答案:Tom has trouble answering the questions which his classmates answered easily.






Step 4: 關係代名詞可不可以省略取決於關代在形容詞裡面當主詞還受詞

The man (whom) I was talking to is my college professor.

The book (which) John is reading is Harry Potter.

這邊有更詳細的介紹  第二課:關係代名詞什麼時候可以省略?



Step 5: 關係代名詞如在形容詞裡面當主詞,若要省略必須變動動詞(主動改Ving; 被動留p.p.)

The girl working in Google is my friend.

The book bought by the teachers is interesting.

這邊有更詳細的介紹  第三課:關係代名詞當主詞省略步驟三二一?




The hotel where we stayed last month is great.

I can't remember the date when we first met.

這邊有更詳細的介紹  第四課:關係副詞 where、when怎麼用?



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