
根據《RT電視台》報導,宣傳圖上1架加拿大航空(Air Canada)的飛機開向加拿大國家電視塔(CN Tower),搭配文字「愛多管閒事!」(Sticking one’s nose where it doesn’t belong!)和1句阿拉伯俗語「干預不相關事情的人會遇到不好的事情」(He who interferes with what doesn’t concern him finds what doesn’t please him)。



Now deleted, here a screenshot of the threatening Saudi "infographic" featuring an airliner headed for the Toronto skyline. pic.twitter.com/LrkCLxxjFk

— Tobias Schneider (@tobiaschneider) 2018年8月6日

More great optics here by Saudi, posting a threatening message alongside a picture of an airliner flying towards the CN Tower... https://t.co/dLsfN4Cgj9

— Neil Hauer (@NeilPHauer) 2018年8月6日

This tweet by an official Saudi propaganda account @Infographic_ksa has now been deleted. Seems they realized that reminding us that 15 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi is not a great idea. pic.twitter.com/N82QbVIpTi

— Elizabeth Tsurkov (@Elizrael) 2018年8月6日


加拿大印度餐廳遭炸彈攻擊 15人受傷2嫌犯在逃

遭恐怖分子挾持影片流出 日本失蹤3年記者安田純平跪地求救
