
DVD Message template is now available

DVD Message template is now available!!

Here is the official DVD Message template for this project:


Step 1: Simply “Save As” the the above regulated, official DVD Message template in your computer.


Step 2: Write your message on the template by utilizing the Microsoft Window Paint program.


Step 3: Design and customize your template to create your unique DVD Message (optional).


Step 4: We suggest that for fans and participants who are not from Taiwan or currently are not in Taiwan to indicate where you are sending the message from in the template. In this way, NEWS will also realize they have fans all over the world at different places.


Step 5: Save your template file and email the files with messages to us at NewS_Cherish@hotmail.com



Please see below for a sample template with customized message:


Again, as a reminder, if you are interested to send your message(s) to NEWS by making the hand-crafted Origami stars or through the Message DVD, it is strongly suggested to create messages (either on the Origami stars or the electronic templates) for ALL EIGHT (8) NEWS members, instead of just writing to a specific NEWS member.
