
Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems



1)沒有額外信息,對user-item interactions構成的graph使用。

2)加入knowledge graph,對knowledge graph使用。

3)加入user social network,對user social network使用。

4)將user sequential behaviors構建成graph,對該graph使用。

w/o side information

[1] Berg, Rianne van den, et al. "Graph Convolutional Matrix Completion." KDD 2018.

[2] Zheng, Lei, et al. "Spectral Collaborative Filtering." RecSys 2018.

[3] Wang, Xiang, et al. "Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering." SIGIR 2019.

Knowledge Graph

[1] Wang, Hongwei, et al. "RippleNet: Propagating User Preferences on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems." CIKM 2018.

(Wang, Hongwei, et al. "Exploring High-Order User Preference on the Knowledge Graph for Recommender Systems." TOIS 2019.)

[2] Wang, Hongwei, et al. "Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommender Systems." WWW 2019.

[3] Wang, Hongwei, et al. "Knowledge Graph Convolutional Networks for Recommender Systems with Label Smoothness Regularization." KDD 2019.

[4] Wang, Xiang, et al. "KGAT: Knowledge Graph Attention Network for Recommendation." KDD 2019.

Social Recommendation

[1] Wu, Le, et al. "SocialGCN: An Efficient Graph Convolutional Network Based Model for Social Recommendation." AAAI 2019.

[2] Song, Weiping, et al. "Session-Based Social Recommendation via Dynamic Graph Attention Networks." WSDM 2019.

[3] Fan, Wenqi, et al. "Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendation." WWW 2019.

[4] Wu, Qitian, et al. "Dual Graph Attention Networks for Deep Latent Representation of Multifaceted Social Effects in Recommender System." WWW 2019.

[5] Wu, Le, et al. "A Neural Influence Diffusion Model for Social Recommendation." SIGIR 2019.

Session-based Recommendation

[1] Wu, Shu, et al. "Session-Based Recommendation with Graph Neural Network." AAAI 2019.


[1] Ying, Rex, et al. "Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Web-Scale Recommender Systems." KDD 2018.

