
台湾教育部承认之菲律宾Saint La Salle圣拉萨大学和科系

  University of Saint La Salle

Autonomy Bacolod http://www.usls.edu

Program Offerings:Doctor  of  Education教育博士



Doctor of Philosophy哲学博士

Master of Education教育硕士

Master of Science in Psychology心理学硕士

Master of Arts in Teaching教育硕士

Master in Information Technology资讯科技硕士

Master in Information Management资讯管理硕士

Master in Government Service政府服务硕士

Master in Environmental Engineering环境技师硕士

Master in Educational Management教育管理硕士

Master in Business Administration企管硕士

Master in  Nursing护士硕士

B.S. Information Management资讯管理学士

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering,电脑科技学士

Bschelor of Arts艺术学士

BS in Electronics & Communications Engineering电机计算学士

Bachelor of Secondary Education秘书教育学士

Bachelor of Science in Psychology心理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Nursing护士学士

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics数学学士

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science电脑科学学士

Doctor of Medicine医生

Bachelor of Science in Commerce商业学士

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering化学学士

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy会计学士

Bachelor of Laws 律师

Bachelor of Arts 艺术学士

B.S. in Hospitality Management医院管理学士

B.S. in Engineering科技学士

B.S. in Biology生物学士

B.S Applied  Economics应用经济学学士  

Bachelor of Elementary Education小学教育学士

