
《ICRT Daily News 新聞分享》"春吶音樂季"的英語怎麼說?

產品名稱:ICRT Daily News 

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Israeli rock band Tiny Fingers is scheduled to perform at the upcoming Spring Scream music festival in southern Taiwan for the first time.

Organizers say Tiny Fingers is among 200 local and foreign bands from Asia, Europe and the United States scheduled to perform at the outdoor festival that opens Thursday and runs until April 6 in Kenting.


The Israeli band, which combines post-rock, live electronics and groove to form a powerful musical mix, will perform on Thursday and Friday.

Organizers say since releasing its debut album in late 2011, Tiny Fingers has been tapped by critics and members of the Israeli music industry as one of the most promising bands in the country.


The Spring Scream festival, started in 1995 by two Americans, has grown into one of the biggest music events in Taiwan.


以色列搖滾樂團 Tiny Fingers 將計畫在南臺灣即將到來的春天吶喊音樂節首次登臺演出。

主辦單位表示 Tiny Fingers 200個本土及來自亞洲、歐洲、美國的外國樂團的其中之一,計畫將在這個星期四開幕並會延續至4/6的墾丁戶外活動演出。



主辦單位表示自該樂團於2011年年尾發行第一張專輯後,Tiny Fingers 已被評論家及以色列音樂工業成員譽為該國最有前景的樂團之一。


