
麗珠什錦麵 - 好口味 喫了還想再喫

麗珠什錦麵在萬華區已經有50年, 現在由第二代經營, 店面不大座位也不多, 生意非常的好. 臺式炸排骨, 什錦麵是麗珠什錦麵的招牌菜, 但是試過後, 我發現能當招牌菜的不只是二道菜而已. 我們當天點的各個都好喫, 大家邊喫邊靜靜的點頭讚許(因為好喫得沒有空講話). 醉雞使用烘仔雞腿肉, 中藥材跟紹興酒浸泡入味, 雞腿的油脂凝結成半透明的肉凍, 酒香濃鬱, 酒量不好的我覺得喫太多會醉呢! This local Taiwanese eatery has been up and running for over 50 years. Now serving by the second generation, it still serve one of the best fried pork chops in Taipei. Drunken chicken is a cold dish marinated by shaoxing rice wine. Strong in aroma yet the texture is juicy and tender. 

豬里肌肉醃的十分入味, 薄薄的裹上粉漿油炸, 遠遠的就聞到香氣. 不用沾任何的醬汁就好喫的不得了. 今兒我們點了二份炸排骨, 大碗公還一直說'再點一份吧'! Lightly battered deep fried pork chops has won my heart as one of the best Taiwanese pork chops in Taipei. Marinated for over two days, pork chops are golden tender and aromatic.

什錦麵 (湯) - 滿滿一碗的什錦麵有豬肝, 豬肉絲, 木耳, 蚵仔, 蝦子, 花枝與青菜, 湯頭結集了以上的精華, 非常鮮甜. Deluxe Noodle Soup contains pork, pork liver, prawn, oyster, squid and vegetable. Very satisfying dish! 

什錦麵 (炒) - 跟什錦湯麵的材料相同, 但是多了點wok氣, 大火快炒的麵真的是太好喫了! Stir Fried Deluxe Noodle - same ingredients as the above, yet it has extra 'wok' taste as cooked over high heat.

酥炸花枝 - 花枝炸的剛剛好, 不會過硬, 這熱的冷的都好喫. Deep Fried Squid - crispy but not dry, the squid is tasty both warm and cold. 

麗珠什錦麵的菜餚非常美味, 價位公道, 十分推薦歐! Authentic and resonably priced, I highly recommend this place if you are a Taiwanese food lover.




02 23086530

close on Mondays 
