自從被我弟推進Hold Back The River就很喜歡他 很遺憾這麼晚才認識他呀OAQ


這首是一年前發行的專輯《Chaos and the Calm》的第5首單曲

目前還沒有新作品的消息 不過我認為指日可待


▼話說這MV實在是可愛到爆 尤其是這個表情哈哈哈哈哈哈

▼難忘這一幕 (我說這男孩XD)

話說我找不到有關這可愛的孩子的資料哪 懇求好心的大大幫個忙吧orz



Lyrics 歌詞 :

No you don't have to wear your best fake smile
掛上虛假笑容 牽強附會
Don't have to stand there and burn inside
外表故作鎮定 內心卻翻騰不已
Oh, oh, oh, if you don't like it
釋放你的不滿 別再壓抑情緒

She's working late and making eyes at the door
她大夜加班 還得擠眉弄眼
She's sick of everybody up on her floor
吸引那些男人 她自討沒趣
She wants the sun in her eyes but all she gets is ignored
渴望成為萬眾焦點 卻沒有人看她一眼

She used to put it out and get it all back
曾大放異彩 但已不復從前
But now she's slipping trying to carry the act
試圖博得目光 像過去那樣
She's sweating under the lights, now she's beginning to crack
燈光下她大汗淋漓 生活逐漸崩潰解體

No you don't have to wear your best fake smile
掛上虛假笑容 牽強附會
Don't have to stand there and burn inside
外表故作鎮定 內心卻翻騰不已
Oh, oh, oh, if you don't like it
釋放你的不滿 別再壓抑情緒

And you don't have to care so don't pretend
不避他人眼光 不必佯裝
Nobody needs a best fake friend
無需勉強忍受 虛情假意的面孔
Oh, oh, oh, don't hide it
拋下一切包袱 別再隱藏喜怒

No hesitation now she gets up and walks
她抬頭挺胸 沒有一絲猶豫
She thinks of all the pain and pride that they caused
回想一切種種 痛楚和榮譽
She emptied all the tip jars and won't get back what she lost
帶上積蓄收拾行囊 她再不願那樣生活

Outside the window with two fingers to show
站在櫥窗外 她手叼著根菸
She lifts her head up just to blow out the smoke
抬起頭來吐出 而瀰漫煙霧
She doesn't have to look back to know where she's gotta go
她沒打算再往回走 確定方向筆直前行

No you don't have to wear your best fake smile
掛上虛假笑容 牽強附會
Don't have to stand there and burn inside
外表故作鎮定 內心卻翻騰不已
Oh, oh, oh, if you don't like it
釋放你的不滿 別再壓抑情緒

And you don't have to care so don't pretend
不避他人眼光 不必佯裝
Nobody needs a best fake friend
無需勉強忍受 虛情假意的面孔
Oh, oh, oh, don't hide it
拋下一切包袱 別再隱藏喜怒

If you don't bleed it, you don't need it anymore
不必再赴湯蹈火 毋須再像那般存在
If you don't need it, get up and leave it on the floor
忘掉過去的日子 為生活敘寫下一頁
No more believing, like it's a voice you can't ignore
不必再抱持信仰 從今聽從自己內心
If you don't need it, you don't need it no
放下所有的回憶 開始人生的新旅程

No you don't have to wear your best fake smile
掛上虛假笑容 牽強附會
Don't have to stand there and burn inside
外表故作鎮定 內心卻翻騰不已
Oh, oh, oh, if you don't like it
釋放你的不滿 別再壓抑情緒

And you don't have to care so don't pretend
不避他人眼光 不必佯裝
Nobody needs a best fake friend
無需勉強忍受 虛情假意的面孔
Oh, oh, oh, don't hide it
拋下一切包袱 別再隱藏喜怒

No you don't have to wear your best fake smile
掛上虛假笑容 牽強附會
Don't have to stand there and burn inside
外表故作鎮定 內心卻翻騰不已
Oh, oh, oh, if you don't like it
釋放你的不滿 別再壓抑情緒

Oh, oh, oh, no if you don't like it
沒有必要抑制壓力 暢快宣洩你的心情




致親愛的訪客 :



- 歌詞都是經過自己的感覺修飾
如有錯漏 麻煩留言告知修改唷 :D -







最後的最後 謝謝你的來訪 ♥



