

本来想说我会在那边很勤快的更新  BUT ......并没有

其实有时候时间蛮多的但就是懒.....然后  就懒得更新了哈哈哈哈

我有将近快一年的时间都待在农场 , 我也不知道我哪来的勇气待在那边一年

其实我在facebook 已经打过了, 只好复制贴上噜......... 


It’s so quickly one year passed; I still remembered the farm life beginning on this day last year.
At first, I just wanted to quickly finish my farm life and to get a second year visa, and then leave the farm to the city to find a job. Because the first week was too tired to stay and I really wanted to book the ticket flying back to Taiwan. However; 
I started and stayed almost one year.

Farm life was really interesting thought it was so tired in the beginning. All of the crops I make were my first contact. There were no chances for an urban child to do so. I still remembered when I was a kid, always listening to mom say how fun to play in the farm. And now I know being a farmer is really tired.

In the past year, I have picked and planted so many kinds of the vegetables, such as tomatoes, zucchini, sweet potatoes, strawberries and cucumbers,capsicum, (which I hate to pick at that time).

I really enjoy the life in farm, cause I made a lot of friends all over around the world. We worked like a family, played like a friend and also shared our life. All of the memories we made are so wonderful and priceless.

Before I went to Bundaberg, I was really worried and nervous, cause the informations I got on the Internet were not really good. However, I am so glad that I made the best choice and make lots of friends there.

Thanks for everyone who take care of my life and help me. Especially, I want to give a big thanks to Mom Nini and Dad Jeff, sorry for you to have a naughty daughter like me. Always love me and take care of me.
Now, I have finished my first year of working holiday and my vacation is going to start.




立马想订机票回台湾 哈哈哈哈哈

可是怎么也没想到 后来一待就待了快一年

农场生活真的很有趣 虽然也真的很累

所有的农作物都是第一次接触 在都市的小孩哪能碰到这些 有时候听妈妈说他们小时候在农地怎么玩就觉得好有趣

现在我也体验到了 (农夫真的好辛苦)

在这一年采了番茄 擳瓜 地瓜 草莓 黄瓜 青椒 (采的时候真的非常的讨厌他们)也种到了这些农作物的苗

我真的很喜欢农场的生活 可以认识到很多国家的朋友 像家人一样的一起生活 一起工作 这种回忆是无价的

记得当初要来Bundaberg的时候 网路上的风评不是很好


不过最后还是去了 不过也还好有去 才能认识到大家

谢谢每个在我生命中帮助过我的人 很开心可以认识到大家

谢谢我的室友们 很照顾我

尤其更要谢谢的是我在澳洲的妮妮阿母跟杰夫阿爸 sorry 你们有个笨蛋女儿

谢谢你们的照顾 谢谢你们这么的疼我们 给你们添麻烦了

上个月暂时结束了第一年的working holiday


农场照没有一张可以看的 简直惨不忍睹


是蛮想图文并茂的写但真的就好懒....有问题欢迎加facebook 我很乐意回答问题的,所有照片我也都放在脸书上

