
[ IELTS writing - plastic bags 限塑政策 ]


至於有哪些其他國家也禁用塑膠袋呢? 來看這篇文章,提供了很多好用的想法、單字與句型 





🌳In many countries, plastic bags are one of the main sources of damage to the environment, so they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

🅿 "Plastic bags are everywhere these days, and while they may seem like a cheap, easy way to carry our goods, they are wreaking havoc on the planet in a number of ways. According to the Earth Policy Institute, nearly one trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year. The problem is that these bags contain polyethylene and cannot biodegrade, which means if they aren't recycled or disposed of properly, they become pollution that we commonly see alongside the road or floating in the water. This equals trouble for not only us and our environment, but animals and other wildlife as well."

🅿 "Eliminating plastic bags is a necessary step to decreasing the amount of waste and pollution in the long term. Replacing all plastic and paper bags with reusable bags would mark a significant shift toward waste and pollution elimination. "

