This activity did attract my attention. Because I’ve never sent a postcard before. And the first one would be sent abroad. That’s pretty cool. I hope my postcard can arrive faster, and Mr. Peko, the person I have to mail my postcard to, would like it.

Actually, it had been about a week after I got the address. So I am a little sorry about Mr. Peko. Because of my idleness, he must wait for a long time. And he might think that this postcard was written so late that it might be written many words which maybe he would be interested in. However, I think that he may be disappointed about it. I only wrote something about myself like my name or where I am from. Nothing special.

Furthermore, my classmates told me that they all got the information about the person who their postcards will send to, especially in details, like what they want us to say or what they want to know about us. But I only got Mr. Peko’s job, age and he likes postcards with beautiful views. That really made me upset.

Finally I want to say that this project is very novelty for me. Receiving postcards from all over the world is very interesting. We can know many things and meet many friends through this activity. Though I just mail my first postcard, I am already looking forward to receive my own ones.
