
Ellen DeGeneres at Tulane's 2006 Commencement








They told me everybody would be wearing robes. 
Anybody staying at the ? Could you return this for me? That would great.

Who's as hungover as I am? Anybody? 

And why the two mics? Why not just one? What happens if I talk in this one? Why? Is this one better?

This is, ah, I was in town and, ah, whenever I get a chance to speak after presidents, I say, "Get me in there".

And this is the closest I'll ever come to graduating, so I thought I would join you.

I never went to collage. I lived here. I was born and raised here. My mother worked at Nucam (?), ah, when I was a little girl, so I spent time here. She left a sweater, if anybody sees it, it's blue. Or green. I don’t remember, I was little.

Um, seriously, ah, you're, you’re amazing people. You're a very famous graduating class, as you know. Ah, to go through what you've gone through, to, to get this far and all of a sudden have to be displaced and go to different schools is, ah, is quite an experience, that I think will form you, shape you and, and, ah, and mould you and suddenly you're jello, um.

I don't know what to say.

Ah, really, I came up with ... you know, to take care of yourselves, cause when you’re younger you don’t really listen … your parents tell you … and so I, I really want to say, exfoliate, ah, no wait, hydrate is first, then exfoliate, and then moisturise, and then exercise and then floss. So HEMEF, if you can remember that, that way, HEMEF.

OK. Love you.

Um. That's all really. I know you're tired, but there's a book I'd like to repeat to you. And show you a quick film.

Who's arse is completely numb? Anybody? Who has any feeling? Any hands?

No, you, ah, you deserve to go. So I really just, I just, I do want to say it's important as you go out into the world to remember my show is on at different times in different cities. So check your local listings and ... for times and channels.

Good luck everybody!
