


推薦些什麼呢?最近在Coursera上學習Stanford的Machine Learning,乾脆就從這開始吧。接下來的文章主要是自已學習Machine Learning課程時的一些筆記和思考,還有一些習題的解答。

Lesson 1 Welcome

沒有講到什麼實質性內容,作為引入部分,給大家介紹了Machine Learning的概念「Machine Learnig is the field of of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed」,不通過直接編程,使機器(計算機)具有學習的能力,聽起來很神奇嚯,牛逼轟轟。

再看看百度百科的解釋,「機器學習(Machine Learning, ML)是一門多領域交叉學科,涉及概率論、統計學、逼近論、凸分析、演算法複雜度理論等多門學科。專門研究計算機怎樣模擬或實現人類的學習行為,以獲取新的知識或技能,重新組織已有的知識結構使之不斷改善自身的性能。它是人工智慧的核心,是使計算機具有智能的根本途徑,其應用遍及人工智慧的各個領域,它主要使用歸納、綜合而不是演繹。」看到這解釋有點害怕了,這個領域是入門容易,精通難啊!



Andrew Ng is Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford; Chief Scientist of Baidu; and Chairman and Co-founder of Coursera. His machine learning course is the MOOC that had led to the founding of Coursera!

In 2011, he led the development of Stanford University』s main MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) platform and also taught an online Machine Learning class to over 100,000 students, thus helping launch the MOOC movement and also leading to the founding of Coursera. Ng』s goal is to give everyone in the world access to a great education, for free.

Ng also works on machine learning, with an emphasis on deep learning. He had founded and led the 「Google Brain」 project, which developed massive-scale deep learning algorithms. This resulted in the famous 「Google cat」 result, in which a massive neural network with 1 billion parameters learned from unlabeled YouTube videos to detect cats. More recently, as Chief Scientist of Baidu, he continues to work on deep learning and its applications to computer vision, speech, and NLP.



-Grew out of work in AI(Artificial Intelligence)

-New capability of computers


-Database Mining

Large datasets from growth of automation/web

E.g. Web click data, medical records, biology, engineering(對大量數據的處理)

-Applications cant program by hand(無法簡單編程實現)

E.g. Autonomous helicopter(無人直升機,自己根據空中的實際情況改變飛行的線路和姿勢,無法簡單編程來控制), hand writing recognition, most of Natural Language Processing(NLP), computer vision

-Self-customizing programs(就是給用戶做產品推薦了)

E.g. Amazon, Netflix product recommendations

-Understanding human learning (brain, real AI)

