
All Japan has released an update on Low Ki to state that he will miss the rest of the scheduled events in September.

全日本職業摔角指出Low Ki將缺席整個9月的系列戰─2013王道公開錦標賽。


Low Ki's last match was against Akebono on September 16th...

...and he fell to the big man after a devastating Avalanche Hold.

Low Ki gave up 113kg (close to 250lbs) against the much larger Akebono.

916號的比賽中,Low Ki對曙使出雪崩式摔技後受傷。


Low Ki missed the last show on September 17th after suffering from pains in his ribs and his participation was withheld from the show. Though after another thorough evaluation it was determined that Low Ki would need to miss the 3 remaining shows of this current tour.

隔日,Low Ki因肋骨不適而缺席出賽,經評估後,剩下的三場比賽皆不參戰。



