最新消息通常在旁邊的 Rotoworld 的貼紙上可以看到,不過我會偶爾挑出來做一些小 comment ,好偷懶XD

(1) Iguodala 入選國家隊的靶子隊。

Andre Iguodala and Al Jefferson will lead a team of 10 young players called the Select Team, which will scrimmage with Team USA in an effor to get them ready for the FIBA America's Tournament.

They are joined by LaMarcus Aldridge, Houston guard Aaron Brooks, Monta Ellis, Portland's Channing Frye, Seattle forward Jeff Green, Devin Harris, Toronto forward Jason Kapono and Knicks forward David Lee, and will be coached by P.J. Carlesimo. In addition, this is expected to be somewhat of an early tryout by the youngsters for the 2012 Olympic Team. Now we just have to hope that none of the players on the Select Team or Team USA get injured between now and the start of the season.

B. Colangelo 在其他報導上的談話內容不只讚揚了包括Iguodala在內的所有靶子隊員(其實都還蠻年輕的XD),他還談到說這批人有可能會是2012 Olympic @ London的主力。我還是覺得美國隊應該要多用一些像是Jefferson跟Iguodala這樣的人才,不搶球打,觀念好,基本動作扎實等等,有些時候用太多個人風格太強烈的球員在奧運或者美洲區這個層級的比賽,在極短的訓練期是無法建立起默契的。

不用揣測我說得是誰,我說得絕對不是Allen Iverson跟Kobe Bryant之類的人,這批人另有其人,但是我不想被公幹。XD

(2) Samuel Dalembert 移民加拿大成功,加入加拿大國家隊。

喔,貼原文之前要先說明一下,Sammy是道道地地的海地人,但是他小時候全家舉家遷移到Montréal,因此他現在歸化加拿大其實就是加拿大想增加國際賽的實力,他將會跟 Steve Nash 一隊。

Sixers center Samuel Dalembert has been cleared to play for Canada in the FIBA Championships.

Dalembert was sworn in as a Canadian citizen Tuesday morning in a private ceremony in Hamilton, Ontario and is scheduled to join the Canadian National Team later today. "We're extremely excited," said Andrew Cook, manager of men's elite performance for Canada Basketball. "Sam's a wonderful person, and as a player will significantly enhance our chances of qualifying for the Olympics."

加拿大的教練 Andrew Cook 很興奮,這當然。他說到:"Sammy 是個很棒的人,作為一個球員他會幫助我們在爭取奧運門票上面更有競爭力。

身為一個七六人迷,我也很興奮,他今年雖然沒有去夏季聯盟(也應該不用去那個層級的比賽浪費時間),但是如果是美州區層級的比賽,將會是個超級適合他衝啪數練等的地方。因為會有很多NBA等級的球員在同一個舞台上面競爭,對於他的經驗非常有幫助,簡直就是幫他 Set 好的夏季聯盟。我很看好他在加拿大國家隊能有所成長,更何況是跟著一個兩度MVP的控球後衛Steve Nash學習那是更加的有意義,你哪裡找的到這麼好的機會讓自己家的Baby Center磨練?

對於加拿大隊來說,有了Dalembert代表他們至少獲得了一個7-foot,在NBA層級有實力拿下Double-Double的苦工,我比較期待的是Nash是個慣用Pick 'n Roll的PG,或許我們可以多多期待Dalembert在Pick 'n Roll能夠做的更好,因為我們家攻勢多從後場發動(Andre Dual),如果能有有效的Pick 'n Roll能打的話,後場兩位沒有得分爆發力的小瑕疵也可以將低到最低(其實沒有很差,不過我們陣型上面缺一個Finisher)。
