
Apporter des oranges (à quelqu’un)


Apporter des oranges (à quelqu’un).

>>It was from a author made a poem for the students who are naked when they staged a protest in 1892.  “Si l’on t’emprisonne, pauvre ange, Le dimanche, j‘irai t’appoter des oranges”. He wrote. It means  “Poor
angels . On Sunday, I would take some oranges to visit you if you are going to the jail.”

That’s why the people use it when they go to visit someone in the jail. But now you can use it even you just go to visit someone who is in the hospital.  Par exemple, “ Dans la nuit de dimanche j'apporterai des oranges à mon ami parce qu’il a d’un accident de voiture.’


Dans = on


la nuit = the night


de dimanche = Sunday


à = to


mon ami = my friend


parce que= because


il = he


a = has


d’un accident = a accident


de voiture = the car


Apporter = bring


des oranges = the oranges
