
【翻譯練習】間諜小說家Tom Clancy 享年66歲--10/2






Best-selling US author Tom Clancy has died at the age of 66, his publisher Penguin has confirmed.

美國暢銷作家 Tom Clancy 死於66歲,他所屬的出版社已經證實這個消息。

Clancy wrote a string of best-selling spy and military thrillers. His 17th novel, Command Authority, is due out in December.

Clancy 曾撰寫一系列有關間諜和軍事的暢銷戰慄小說。而他的第十七本小說 "Command Authority ",即將在十二月出版。

Several of his books featuring CIA analyst Jack Ryan have been adapted into successful Hollywood films.

他以CIA分析師,Jack Ryan,為特色的許多小說,都已經被改編為成功的好萊佳片。

The former insurance broker died in a Baltimore hospital near his Maryland home, according to reports.

根據報導指出,他的前任保險經紀人死於 Baltimore 醫院,正好離他所居住的馬裏蘭州不遠。

Clancy, who died on Tuesday, was remembered as "a master of his craft" by Tom Weldon, chief executive of Penguin Random House UK.

死於禮拜二的Clancy,在英國企鵝蘭登書屋總裁 Tom Weldon 印象中,是一名「巧奪天工的大師」。

"Tom Clancy changed readers' expectations of what a thriller could do," he said. "He will be greatly missed by millions of fans in the UK and around the world."

Tom Clancy 改變了讀者們對於戰慄小說的既定期待,」他(Tom Weldon)說:「他將會被數百萬在英國及全世界的粉絲們盛大緬懷。」



Real gentleman(真正的紳士)

Written in his spare time, The Hunt for Red October (1984) was Clancy's first published novel and sold more than five million copies.

利用空閒撰寫的 "The Hunt for Red October" (獵殺紅色十月;1984出版)這本書,是 Clancy 首部出版的小說,而且銷量已經破五百萬本了。

President Ronald Reagan helped to fuel the success of the book when he called it a "perfect yarn".


The novel was made into a film in 1990, starring Alec Baldwin as Ryan and Sir Sean Connery as Soviet submarine captain Marko Ramius.

這本小說在1990年時改編成電影,由 Alec Baldwin Sir Sean Connery 分別飾演書中角色 雷恩(Ryan) 及 Marko Ramius——Soviet 潛水艇的船長。

Baldwin paid tribute to "the great writer Tom Clancy" on Twitter, remembering him as "a real gentleman of the old school".

Baldwin 在推特獻上敬意:「偉大的作家 Tom Clancy」,並緬懷他為「舊學下的真正紳士。」

Harrison Ford went on to play Ryan in film versions of Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, while Ben Affleck played him in 2002 release The Sum of All Fears.

Harrison Ford曾經在Patriot Games(愛國者遊戲;1987出版)和Clear and Present Danger(迫切的危機;1989出版) 的電影中繼續飾演雷恩(Ryan)。然而,在2002年的The Sum of All Fears(恐懼的總和;1991出版)的電影中,雷恩(Ryan)卻是由Ben Affleck飾演。

Jack Ryan: Shadow One, a new film to feature the character directed by Sir Kenneth Branagh, is set for release this December.

傑克‧雷恩——由Sir Kenneth Branagh所詮釋的最新電影 Shadow One ,已經為了十二月的上映而做好準備了!

Clancy usually wrote a book a year, making him one of the wealthiest authors in the world.


In 2002 he was ranked at 10 in Forbes magazine's Celebrity 100 list with estimated earnings of $47.8m (£33m).


As well as a successful writer, Clancy also became closely associated with the world of video gaming.

除了是一名成功的作家外,Clancy 和電玩遊戲之間的關係也十分緊密。

In the 1990s he founded Red Storm Entertainment, later bought by Ubisoft, which developed games based on Clancy's ideas.

90年代的時候,他成立了Red Storm Entertainment這間公司,專門根據他的點子來製作遊戲。而這間公司不久後,被Ubisoft買走了。

Blockbuster video game titles bearing his name included Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six.

曾在標題含有Tom Clancy名字的轟動電玩遊戲,包括Splinter Cell(縱橫諜海系列)、Ghost Recon(火線獵殺) ,和 Rainbow Six(虹彩六號)

"Tom Clancy was an extraordinary author with a gift for creating detailed, engrossing fictional stories that captivated audiences around the world," said Ubisoft on its Facebook page.

Ubisoft在他的臉書上說:「Tom Clancy是個非凡的作家,具有創造鉅細靡遺、且引人入勝的小說的天賦,蠱惑了全世界的讀者羣。」

"We are humbled by the opportunity to carry on part of his legacy through our properties that bear his name."


British author Barbara Taylor-Bradford also paid tribute to Clancy on her website.

英國作家 Barbara Taylor-Bradford ,也在她的網站上對Clancy獻上敬意。

"I'm stunned to learn of the sudden passing of a legendary novelist," she wrote. "A remarkable talent whose books and movie adaptations held me captive for many enjoyable hours."


Clancy was known for his technically detailed espionage and military science storylines. One, written in 1994, told of a crazed Japan Airlines pilot who flies into the Capitol building in Washington.

Clancy最為人所知的,是他嚴謹的間諜小說和軍事科學小說。其中一本寫於1994的小說,描述的是一名瘋狂的日本飛行員,飛往位於華盛頓的國會大廈的故事。(Debt of Honor:美日開戰)

In a 2003 interview, CNN presenter Wolf Blitzer suggested his precise accounts of the US military techniques were giving away secrets to terrorists.

在2003年的訪談中,CNN的節目主持人Wolf Blitzer曾暗示他對於美國軍事科技的精準看法,可能會在無意中洩漏機密給恐怖份子。

"I never got any fan mail from Osama bin Laden, and I don't really know how many books I sold in Afghanistan," the author replied.

不過,Tom Clancy如此回應:「我從未接到任何來自賓拉登的粉絲信件,而且我真的不知道究竟有多少我的書在阿富汗有販售。」

"You have to talk to the marketing people about that. But I'm not really concerned about it."


"He was ahead of the news curve and sometimes frighteningly prescient," said Ivan Held, president of Penguin imprint G P Putnam's Sons.

「他十分出類拔萃,而且有時具備了令人畏懼的預知眼光。」Penguin imprint G P Putnam's Sons 的總裁 Ivan Held如此說。

"To publish a Tom Clancy book was a thrill every time."

「每次出版Tom Clancy的書,都是一項戰慄的工作。」



(關於Tom Clancy :http://tinyurl.com/oen7kbl)

(譚劍評論Tom Clancy:http://tinyurl.com/oskdz98)





