
<雅思筆記> Speaking part 2 TOPIC: Art








Describe a piece of art

What it is
Where you first saw it
What it looks like
How you feel about it



Actually, I’m not that interested in art, but I’ll tell you about a famous artwork that impressed me. It’s the well-known painting called Mona Lisa, created by Leonardo da Vinci. I’m pretty sure everyone knows about it.

Actually, I didn't see this real painting in my life. I only saw a mock one. When I was in elementary school, our teacher took us to the National Taiwan Art Musuem just to see the special exhibit about first-rate French paintings. Mona Lisa was one of them. I didn't know about the fame or the value of this piece of art. I just thought the woman in the painting was so kind that made me look at her more in detail. After I've grown up, then I realized it was the most popular painting in the world.

The most interesting thing about the painting is the mysterious smile portrayed by the character. As a result, the painting also became the main subject of the book named "The Da Vinci Code" . I hope one day I can visit France and see the original painting myself. Maybe, I will have another artistic feeling on that day.


