
來自專欄經典電影台詞,電影九句4 人贊了文章

導演: 瑞恩·庫格勒

編劇: 瑞恩·庫格勒 / 喬·羅伯特·科爾 / 斯坦·李 / 傑克·科比

主演: 查德維克·博斯曼 / 露皮塔·尼永奧 / 邁克爾·B·喬丹 / 丹娜·奎里拉 / 馬丁·弗瑞曼 / 更多...

類型: 動作 / 科幻 / 冒險

製片國家/地區: 美國  





《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:身為人父,倘若無法令其子女欣然接受其離世,則愧為人父。A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father.

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:每個人都難逃一死,這裡的生活就是這樣。Everybody dies. Its just life around here.

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:在危機之時,智者建起橋樑而愚者建起高牆。我們必須達成共識,同舟共濟,構建人類命運共同體。In times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:把我葬在海里,就像我那些從船上跳海的先祖們一樣,因為他們知道死也比被奴役好。Just bury me in the ocean...with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. Cause they knew death was better than bondage.

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:錯就錯在我們對於外面的世界視而不見,對外面世界的恐懼,阻礙了我們做出正確的選擇。To turn your backs on the rest of the world! We let the fear of our discovery stop us from doing what is right!

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:你的每一次呼吸都源自我的仁慈。Every breath you take is mercy from me.

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:你還要我教你多少次?不能因為一件工具目前能正常使用就覺得它不需要得到改進。How many times do I have to teach you? Just because something works doesnt mean that it cannot be improved.

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:你認為你的祖先是怎麼得到這些東西的呢?你覺得他們是用合理的價錢買下來的?還是直接奪走了它,就像他們奪走其它所有東西那樣?How do you think your ancestors got these? You think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it, like they took everything else?

《黑豹》經典中英文台詞:我們的武器不是用來向世界發起戰爭的,我們不會拿著振金去當世界警察,去判決、審查,甚至處決別國的子民的。Our weapons will not be used to wage war on the world. It is not our way to be judge, jury and executioner...for people who are not our own.

