MIIS翻譯筆記 - Week ONE








Notes of Translation/Interpretation Learning in MIIS

———— WEEK 1 09/17 - 09/23 ————

中英互譯的常見方法 - Prof. BAO Chuanyun 09/17/18

  1. 英文多靜態,重點在名詞;中文多動態,重點在動詞。
  2. 英文後重心,中文前重心;英文可以用從句表意 。(He is a leader whose dedication and commitment to peace is highly appreciated by his people.)
  3. 英文到中文主語前移;中文到英文主語後移。
  4. 英文到中文要主動斷句、拆句。
  5. 英文到中文儘可能尋找及物動詞,減少介詞使用。
  6. 中文到英文動詞不宜過多,兩個以上動詞用非動詞形式表達。(我們支持俄羅斯加入世貿組織 —— We support Russian for its WTO membership.)(歡迎你們下次訪問北京 —— We will welcome you in your next visit to Beijing.)
  7. 中文到英文可以將主語轉為狀語。(最不發達國家的經濟遇到困難 —— Least developed countries suffer from economical difficulties.)
  8. 中文的並列句添加銜接詞,使得譯出的英文句子更順暢。(中文重意合,英文重形合。)

招聘的啟示 - Prof. BAO Chuanyun 09/22/18

  1. First / firstly / first of all / to begin with / let me start with ...
  2. 招聘啟事 / Job annoucement (中文是動賓結構「招」+「聘」,英文重結果"job")
  3. 技能 / Skill sets
  4. 讓我們掌聲請出幾位嘉賓: Lets giving them an applause as they taking their seats.
  5. 唐先生經常做學生的招聘工作:Mr. Tang has done a lot of campus recruiting. (用量詞表示頻率)
  6. 不是說碩士就一定不如博士: Its not true that a M.A. is necessarily not as good as a Ph.D. (用學位代指人,「不如」不用inferior或worse,因為不是比爛,而是比好。)
  7. 我首先會介紹一下我們公司是做什麼的: I will start with a few sentences/words about our company.
  8. 原來的國家/母國:home country
  9. 有些地方修改地非常多:Some made lots of adaptations.
  10. 人性化的管理:a management that cares for the employees. (people-oriented 亦可)
  11. 我們比較中外企業... :If we take a look at both Chinese and foreign companies. (不必翻出「比較」之意)
  12. 在操作層面: technical requirements
  13. 與國際接軌的企業: company adapting international practices.
  14. 放之四海而皆準: It is universally applicable that

C-E SIGHT - Prof. CAI Lijian 09/17/18

  1. 履行各項承諾:honoring/fulfilling commitments
  2. 加入世貿組織後:since the accession to WTO
  3. 擴大對外開放:boost the process of opening up
  4. 中方已多次降低了進口關稅:China has initiated several rounds of tariff cuts.
  5. 降低市場壁壘: reduce market barriers
  6. 這符合各方的共同利益:it serves the interest of every party concerned
  7. 倡導:support/advocate/stand for
  8. 國際分工: international division of labour
  9. 貿易戰中不會有贏家: no one emerges as a winner in a trade war
  10. 挑起貿易爭端: trigger/initiate a trade dispute
  11. 在國內外: at home and abroad
  12. 在市場中有重要影響:play an important role in / ... is a leading company in
  13. 世界格局:world order/landscape
  14. 負責任大國形象: a responsible country of the international community
  15. 法制建設: rule-based governance - 政府 / legal compliance - 民間組織/公司

C-E TRANS - Prof. Myers 09/21/18

  1. 英文中引用文章標題時,單詞首字母+斜體(italicized);小片段如歌曲、詩歌和段落在引用時首字母+斜體+雙引號。
  2. 有些國家(及聯合國)名字加定冠詞"the",有些後面加複數;如the Philippines/the United Kingdoms/the United Emirates/the United States/the United Nations
  3. 公眾人物有其本名和作為公眾人物的名字,注意區分語域。
  4. 卡拉OK愛好者: karaoke lovers/enthusiasts/hobbyist 不用fans
  5. 引起/導致: lead to/result in/give rise to

