




水果姐(Fruit Sister)

凱蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)

「水果姐」,是咱中國粉絲給凱蒂·佩里(Katy Perry)取的昵稱。因為她總愛在演唱會上穿水果造型的服裝,而且動不動就把各種水果搬上舞台。這位「不瘋魔不成活」的明星,甚至有一次演唱會中竟然從一隻大香蕉中鑽了出來……


"Fruit Sister," or "shui guo jie," is what people in China call Katy Perry -- referring to her tendency to wear fruit costumes and bring giant fruit with her on stage. I

n the past, the pop star has performed in sparkly watermelon-cup bras, sung while holding a large inflatable strawberry and even burst out of a giant banana. She"s also talked about growing and eating her own fruit, so it"s a pretty fair nickname.

麻辣雞(Numbing-Spicy Chicken)

妮琪·米娜(Nicki Minaj)


Many Chinese dishes aren"t just spicy. Thanks to a special peppercorn, Sichuan cuisine carries an extra kick and will actually numb your tongue. That"s why Chinese fans have nicknamed Nicki Minaj "Numbing-Spicy Chicken," or "ma la ji": She"s spicy hot; she"ll stun your senses and leave you wanting more.

騷當(Flirty Adam)

亞當·萊文(Adam Levine)

Adam Levine,這位美國搖滾樂隊Maroon 5的主唱,不僅讓美國人瘋狂,中國粉絲也紛紛折腰,給他取昵稱「騷當」。噹噹的聲音非常獨特,登雜誌也時常露出性感紋身毫不含蓄。騷當這個名字實在貼切的很吶!

Americans aren"t the only ones who swoon over Adam Levine; Chinese people call him "Flirty Adam," or "sao dang.  His voice is very unique, and his fans always refer to his numerous half naked photo shoots, which gives him the name. But sao, the Chinese word for "flirty," can also mean frivolous, silly or shallow.


詹妮弗·勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)



To get why Jennifer Lawrence is nicknamed "Cousin," or "biao jie," you"ll have to get Chinese humor. In the run-up to the 2011 Oscars, hundreds of Chinese Internet users made joke announcements about the results, all claiming they heard them from a "cousin in the Academy." 

But one Chinese Internet user upped the ante, boldly declaring that Lawrence was his cousin and that she had won the Best Actress award. Well, she didn"t, but the nickname stuck.


賈斯汀·汀布萊克(Justin Timberlake)


Yep, Justin Timberlake is simply known as "Boss," or "lao ban." It"s an awed reference to the entertainer"s investments: From clothing companies to tech startups to golf courses to record labels, the Boss owns it all.


萊奧納多·迪卡普里奧(Leonardo DiCaprio)

「皮卡丘」,這是港台粉絲對萊奧納多的叫法,咱們大陸網友還是喜歡稱呼萊奧納多「小李子」~ 可憐的小李子,和日本掌機遊戲《口袋妖怪》中的虛構角色皮卡丘有什麼聯繫呢?2011年台灣的一檔新聞廣播中,主持人口誤將萊昂納多·迪卡普里奧念成了萊昂納多·皮卡丘,從此這個名字就傳播了開來。

Leonardo DiCaprio is called "Pikachu" in Taiwan. The joke took off in 2011 after a Taiwanese news anchor struggled with DiCaprio"s name, calling him "Leonardo Pikachu" on TV. Even today, tongue-in-cheek Taiwanese media and their counterparts in Hong Kong still refer to the actor"s Pokemon-inspired nickname.


It is no longer a secret that the Chinese people are fond of giving nicknames to the western celebrities, but how those names come about is a still unknown to many Westerners. 

The stars themselves have even endorsed some of their nicknames.

當然,歐美飯圈裡著名的外號還有你們的「霉霉」Taylor Swift、「高司令」Ryan Gosling、「卷福」Benedict Cumberbatch、「法鯊」Michael Fassbender等等↓↓↓

And there are 「Unlucky」 for Taylor Swift, 「General Gao」 for Ryan Gosling, 「Curling Fu」 for Benedict Cumberbatch and 「Fa Shark」 for Michael Fassbender. 





One of the reasons the Chinese people have a passion for creating nicknames for foreign celebrities or brands could be a way of making the long foreign names easier to remember.

Most of the western names, when introduced into China, were translated officially only by their pronunciations. For the Chinese, they are just a bunch of meaningless characters put together.

比如說,和「瑞恩·高斯林」的本名相比,大家或許還是對和「石頭姐」Emma Stone 組CP跳舞的「高司令」這個諧音名的印象更深刻些~

By giving them a nickname, they are also giving the foreign name some kind of Chinese meaning. For instance, Ryan Gosling"s nickname is 「General Gao.」 In Chinese, the name is pronounced 「Gao Si Ling」 which resembles Gosling.







All the nicknames mentioned above are just a fraction of those used by China"s youth, but why are they so fond of giving nicknames?

The Chinese have a tradition of giving nicknames. In the ancient times, the Chinese scholars liked to adopt aliases for themselves or their close friends. The aliases could be based on their hobbies, their ideals or even the places they live.



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