
Introduction to Timoyang and FAQ

Timoyang casts Oriental Horoscope based on evidence. 
About Timoyang
     Timoyang is looking for a strong friendship that hopefully will turn into a long-lasting relationship based on trust, honesty, respect. Timoyang is seeking honest friends with a stable life. Someone who can accept change and accept when he's wrong with grace and dignity. Timoyang dislikes people who cannot say what's on their minds as well as those who cannot do it without civility. Timoyang is interested in your opinions and thoughts, but not if you're going to be an ignorant a-hole about it.
     With backgrounds in business and engineering,
Timoyang is a fortune-teller using state-of-the-art computer technology. The computer science-based fortune-telling skills, developed for more than a decade, are near and dear to Timoyang's career. If you wish to get more familiar with your future, feel free to contact Timoyang, please.
Email: timoyang@yahoo.com
Line: timothy_yang
WeChat: timothyan
Q: What leisure-time activities do you most enjoy?
A: Among leisure-time activities, I like mountaineering most. Since Taiwan has hundreds of mountain peaks with elevations above 3,000 meters, I like to pack heavy paraphernalia to climb for several days. Every time I overcome gigantic obstacles I gain a tremendous sense of satisfaction. Mountain-climbing not only forces one to cultivate energy and discipline, but also provides an opportunity to develop skills such as cooking and photography.
     The harder the route, the deeper the impression. The most spectacular achievement is to finish the whole process without any outside help to pass the test of geographic craggedness, the aggression of mosquitoes or blood-sucking bugs, the sheer climatic change, and the test of physical and psychosomatic limitation. The moment you most cherish is to reach the peaks to take photos, demonstrating the most perfect body language.
Q: What do you view as a particular strength of yours? What do you view as a particular weakness? Would friends or family share your view?
A: Thomas Edison has a famous line: "Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." My particular strength is to work very hard in a smart way. I can work on a particular issue in a library or lab day and night. I enjoy working incessantly.
     When I was the leader of our school's Computer Group, I could design a program without sleeping. I tried to find out what the problem was and how to improve the outcome.
     When I studied for the university entrance exam, I studied over 14 hours a day. Finally, I passed the exam and studied at the department of Business Administration of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, the best polytechnic university and my top choice. During my undergraduate career, I worked even harder. Usually I didn't sleep enough, but I enjoyed the pleasure of knowledge-intensive tasks.
     Now, if necessary, I can work during till midnight or through holidays. To me, work is a kind of pleasure. The feeling of acquiring achievements is incomparable. But the most important thing is work hard in the right direction.
     My weakness is difficulty in getting along with smokers. I detest foul smoke. Many people like to talk to share feelings while smoking, but I get angry and disgusted every time I smell the smoke. Therefore, I seldom go to pubs or discos even though they may be play a role as meeting spots.
     My family or friends all understand my strength and weakness. I try to eradicate my weakness, and have gradually learned to endure the smell of burning smoke.
Q: In light of the above quotation, please discuss a decision you have made that, in retrospect, has had a profound influence on your present circumstances.? In hindsight, would you have made a different decision? Please explain.
A: When I graduated from junior high school, I chose to study in a junior college of business. From that point, my academic career has been focused in business. Roughly a decade ago, my family was poor. I couldn't pay for the study for the next year's Entrance Exam. Hence, I had to study in a public school.
     For a student who had just graduated from a junior high school, it was too early to decide his or her major. Moreover, educational choices were limited. In junior colleges, only engineering, business or nursing field were public. Other fields, such as language, medicine, and journalism were all private. Besides, my parents were not well-educated, they were not able to help me to make decisions. So I studied business without much information for reference.
     During the junior college career, I studied many topics which had nothing to do with my major, such as politics, foreign languages, computer science, and education.
     In the army, I had a chance to study medicine and psychology and found that I am very interested in medical science. I can memorize many complex medical terms which are seldom used in daily lives.
     After I got out of the army, I took medicine into consideration. Should I decide to study medicine in the future? Doctors are always a group with high reputation, excellent income and high social role. To be a doctor one needs to be intelligent, hard-working, enthusiastic and sensitive to ethical considerations.  However, business students find it difficult to succeed in the sheer competition of the Entrance Exam in the medical field. The probability of passing the Exam was so low that I couldn't take the risk. Therefore, I chose to study business further.
     Among the medical students I have met, many are not just cramming machines, but have diverse talents and potential. I found myself have the inclination. I believe if I had studied in a medical college, I could have accomplished all the necessary requirements.
     However, in hindsight, I would not change my major. I have excelled in business, and find it exciting and challenging.
     People are always the products of their environment. It also shows the same that in my case, I cannot escape the effects of social conditioning.
Q: Describe an ethical dilemma you have experienced and discuss how you handled the situation.
A: In junior college I took the lead in challenging the unreasonable dress code and the regime of military instructors who enforced it. The military instructors retaliated by giving me low marks, even though they knew that my behavior and academic performance were excellent.
     Junior College regulations required that students wear uniforms, and empowered military instructors to enforce the code. I openly questioned this system. Why should military personnel control students, rather than college staff or civilian policemen? Did it have something to do with student movements which caused the loss of Mainland China? In a campus where freedom is encouraged, why was it that students should dress in uniform?
     Managerial principles state that under a crisis or an emergency, military management is the most appropriate. However, if creative responses are encouraged, such as in a campus, the organization should adopt democratic management. If a very free situation is emphasized, laissez-faire should be adopted, as in a club.
     However, in my school, many people took it for granted that military management is sacred. I opposed those beliefs, and refused to wear a uniform to school. I argued with military personnel, stating only policemen have the right to manage civilians. This is National Taipei College of Business, I said, not a military school. We are business students, not military students, so please forget military management. Give us more freedom and then the education will become more vivid.
     The military instructors replied that even if rules are unreasonable, you should obey them. Use any available way to change them, but not break them. If you disobey the regulations when you feel they are wrong, they said, then society will degenerate into anarchy. Without political leadership, the whole society will fall.
     A pilot must finish a mission even if he does not agree with it. After completing the mission, he can protest. This is called responsibility and honor.  Each and every time we disputed the issue. The military instructors realized that trends in Taiwan were becoming increasingly democratic. They knew strict regulations were increasingly ineffective, yet they never compromised and never negotiated. I was the only one who dared to argue with them face-to-face.  I believe that in the face of unreasonable regulations, you should express your opinion. If you are ineffective, protest and try to change them.
     Students in elementary schools or universities were allowed to wear what they like but not junior college students. I wore T-shirts and jeans to school, rather than black tie, black belt, khaki pants and black leather shoes. This behavior lowered my conduct score.
     Teachers considered me a young rebel. Military instructors knew that my rebellion was based on knowledge and conviction, not blind, ignorance. They knew I don't smoke or take drugs, and that my academic performance was good. So they ignored my refusal to dress in uniform because they realized I stood to reason.
     But subordinating themselves to the rule of the organization was their duty, so they punished me by giving me lower scores. Finally, they gave me a negative evaluation.
     After I studied at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, military instructors were abolished, and my grades improved.

Email: timoyang@yahoo.com
Line: timothy_yang
WeChat: timothyan