
歌詞翻譯 | Greyson Chance 葛瑞森·柴斯 Low 低潮

昔日的童星Greyson Chance回來了,老實說從Thrilla in Manila之後我就一直很期待他的新作。老天保佑在2017的年末讓我遇上了,Low和Thrilla in Manila相比沈鬱很多,他的歌聲在青春期後也變得夠厚實更有味道了。但讓我loop這首歌三天的原因,除了好聽之外,更多的還是歌詞。17年年末,想要做的事情該做的事情是乎該完成的都離完成還有很長的一段距離。

可能正也是因為年關將近,最近又各種不擅長事情纏身,所以聽到"Didn't know I can get this low"整個就是「幹這就是在說我啊」。離畢業越來越近卻不知道自己要做什麼也覺得"Don't know where to go"整個很虐。




I am lost and I don't know where to go no more
我迷失於這個塵世 不知該何去何從
I've been hurt but I've never been hurt this much before
我深負重傷 從未被傷得如此深
I feel lonely, lonely, lonely traveling down this road
獨自走在這途路上 我是如此的寂寞
They say through time I'll find some healing but the clock goes slow
都說總有一天我會好轉 但時間事過得如此慢
I didn't know that I could get this low
我從不知 我能夠如此低落(我從不知道 低潮的深谷如此無盡 )

And I, and I don't know where to go
而我 我卻不知該往何處去
And I, and I, know, know
And I, and I don't know where to go
而我 我卻不知該往何處去
And I, and I, know, know

[Verse 1]
I see a dark reflection in my dashboard
Don't even know where I'm driving to anymore
I think about us back together someday
我想著 終有一天我們會再度聚首
What you doing this Sunday
I needed space so I left home
需要點空間 所以我離開
But now I'm desperate for the things I know
Like how you made me laugh on a bad day
Where are you now, I need you babe
但你在哪呢 我需要你寶貝

And I don't know where to go, yeah

I am lost and I don't know where to go no more
我迷失於這個塵世 不知該何去何從
I've been hurt but I've never been hurt this much before
我深負重傷 從未被傷得如此深
I feel lonely, lonely, lonely traveling down this road
獨自走在這途路上 我是如此的寂寞
They say through time I'll find some healing but the clock goes slow
都說總有一天我會好轉 但時間事過得如此慢
I didn't know that I could get this low
我從不知 我能夠如此低落(我從不知道 低潮的深谷如此無盡 )

And I, and I don't know where to go
而我 我卻不知該往何處去
And I, and I, know, know
And I, and I don't know where to go
而我 我卻不知該往何處去
And I, and I, know, know

[Verse 2]
Remember older days when we were so young
Riding top down in a city that I used to love
I hear those words you said when you were shit faced
那些酒醉時吐露的話語 我都聽到了
Told me to stop playing all those games
告訴我 這一切遊戲都該停止了
But I wasn't then, and I'm not now
對我來說這從不是遊戲 當時不是 現在亦不是
Didn't know how to feel when you broke me down
當你把我破壞殆盡 我已不知該如何感受
I needed time to move around without you
我需要一些時間才能繼續在沒有你的陪伴下 繼續行走
But I think I'm ready to hear I love you
但我卻一直認為 已是時候聽到「我愛你」

And I don't know where to go, yeah


I am lost and I don't know where to go no more
我迷失於這個塵世 不知該何去何從
I've been hurt but I've never been hurt this much before
我深負重傷 從未被傷得如此深
I feel lonely, lonely, lonely traveling down this road
獨自走在這途路上 我是如此的寂寞
They say through time I'll find some healing but the clock goes slow
都說總有一天我會好轉 但時間事過得如此慢
I didn't know that I could get this low
我從不知 我能夠如此低落(我從不知道 低潮的深谷如此無盡 )

And I, and I don't know where to go
而我 我卻不知該往何處去
And I, and I, know, know
And I, and I don't know where to go
而我 我卻不知該往何處去
And I, and I, know, know
