



1.Proclaim英[pr?kle?m] 美[pr?klem]

vt. 宣告,公布;聲明;表明;讚揚

【派生詞】proclamation n.【例句】Photographs depict vivid scenes of a suffragette』s life: WSPN members on a self-proclaimed 『monster』 march.照片記錄了婦女參政權論者的生活,成員們參加了一個自我展示的盛大遊行。2.Reclaim英[r?kle?m] 美[r?klem]vt. 開拓;回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改vi. 抗議,喊叫n. 改造,感化;再生膠【派生詞】reclamation n.

【常考搭配】reclaim sth from sth回收

【例句】As part of a pioneer low-cost plan to reclaim the site of the former steelwroks, worms are being used to accelerate the process of soil regeneration.作為低價回收利用前鋼鐵廠用地計劃的一部分,蚯蚓被用來加速土地再生的過程。3.Accommodate英[?k?m?de?t] 美[?kɑm?det]vt. 容納;使適應;供應;調解vi. 適應;調解【派生詞】accommodating a.; accommodation n.【常考搭配】accommodate sth to sth適應【例句】The FAA realized that the airspace over the United States would at any time have many different kinds of planes, and the same kind of structure was needed to accommodate all of them.聯邦航空局意識到在美國上空隨時隨地都有大量不同種類的飛機在飛行,而同一個結構卻要去適應所有的類型。

4.Adapt英[?d?pt] 美[?d?pt]vt. 使適應;改編vi. 適應【派生詞】adaptable a.; adaptability n.; adaptation n.; adapter n. 【常考搭配】adapt sth for sth使某事物適應新情況 adapt oneself to sth適應【例句】After this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines.在這種技術被發明之後,武器設計師利用它來偵察潛艇就只是時間問題了。5.Adjust

英[?d??st] 美[?d??st]

vt. 調整,使…適合;校準vi. 調整,校準;適應【派生詞】adjustable a.; adjustment n.【常考搭配】adjust sth/oneself to sth適應【例句】And yet most of us have had the experience of having to adjust to sleeping in the mountains or the countryside because it was initially 『too quiet』.其實我們很多人都有類似的經歷,因為實在是太安靜了,當我們在山裡和鄉下睡覺的時候,還不得不去調整自己來適應這種安靜。6.Cater英[ke?t?] 美[ket?]vt. 投合,迎合;滿足需要;提供飲食及服務

【派生詞】caterer n.; catering n.

【常考搭配】cater for sb/sth提供;迎合【例句】The role of the professional is to cater for the needs and tastes of the tourists.專業人士就是要去迎合遊客的需求和口味。7.Condition英[k?nd??(?)n] 美[k?nd???n]n. 條件;情況;環境;身份vt. 決定;使適應;使健康;以…為條件【派生詞】conditioner n.; conditional a.; conditionally adv.【常考搭配】condition sb/sth to sth/to do sth使某人習慣

【例句】If we think of a lecture we listened to with great concentration, we will recall the lecturer』s appearance and mannerisms, our place in the auditorium, the failure of the air-conditioning, much more easily than the ideas we went to learn.如果我們去回憶一個聽的很認真的講座,我們會發現講師的外貌和風格,我們的座位,有問題的空調會更容易被記起來,而不是我們應該去學的那些理念。

8.Gear英[g??] 美[ɡ?r]n. 齒輪;裝置,工具;傳動裝置vi. 適合;搭上齒輪;開始工作vt. 開動;搭上齒輪;使……適合;使……準備好adj. 好極了【常考搭配】gear sth to/towards sth調整【例句】All the training is then geared towards making the athlete hit those target.所有的這些訓練都被調整來幫助運動員完成這些目標。

9.Regulate英[regj?le?t] 美[r?ɡjulet]vt. 調節,規定;控制;校準;有系統的管理【派生詞】regular a./n.; regularity n.; regularly adv.; regularize v.; regularization n.; regulator n.; regulation n. 【例句】Nearly all computers contain a quartz-crystal clock to regulate their operation.幾乎所有的電腦都內置一個石英晶體鍾來調整它的運作。10.Accomplish英[?k?mpl??; ?k?m-] 美[?kɑmpl??]vt. 完成;實現;達到

【派生詞】accomplished a.; accomplishment n.

【常考搭配】an accomplished fact既成事實【例句】The learning of the material is assumed to be automatic and effortless, accomplished while listening to music.在聽音樂的同時,對於材料的學習被認為是自主的,輕鬆的,有成效的。11.Achieve英[?t?i?v] 美[?t?iv]vt. 達到;完成vi. 達到目的;如願以償【派生詞】achievable a.; achievement n.【例句】Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors.這種持久而又複雜的技術適應能力遠超過我們祖先的成就。

12.Establish英[?st?bl??; e-] 美[?st?bl??]vt. 建立;創辦;安置vi. 植物定植【派生詞】established a.; establishment n.【常考搭配】establish sb/oneself in sth as ath安置【例句】The concept of integrated rural transport is now well established in Tanzania.在坦尚尼亞,農村整合型交通的理念已經被很好的建立起來了。13.Fulfill英[f?lf?l] 美[f?lf?l]vt. 履行;實現;滿足;使結束(等於fulfil)【派生詞】fulfilled a.; fulfillment n.【常考搭配】fulfill oneself充分發揮自己的能力和性格【例句】The first is to act as a 『green lung』 for our planet; by means of photosynthesis, forests produce oxygen through the transformation of solar energy, thus fulfilling what for humans is the essential of a an immerse, non-polluting power plant他們的首要任務是成為地球的「綠肺」,通過光合作用,森林將太陽能轉化為氧氣,對於人類來說,這就是這些密集而又無污染植物的最基本角色。14.Implement英[?mpl?m(?)nt] 美[?mpl?m?nt]vt. 實施,執行;實現,使生效n. 工具,器具;手段【派生詞】implementation n.【例句】During Phase II, from January to February 1991, a number of approaches were implemented in an effort to improve mobility and access to transport.1991年1月到2月,第二階段開始,大量手段被採取來努力解決機動性和交通連接的問題。15.Accord英[?k??d] 美[?k?rd]n. 符合;一致;協議;自願vt. 使一致;給予vi. 符合;一致【派生詞】accordance n.; according prep.; accordingly adv.【常考搭配】accord sth to sb給予或贈予某人某事物【例句】His predecessor was accorded an equally tumultuous welcome.他的前任受到了同樣熱烈的歡迎。16.Award英[?w??d] 美[?w?rd]vt. 授予;判定n. 獎品;判決【常考搭配】award sth to sb頒發【例句】The success of this award-winning British-designed rescue system depends on miniature cameras and a transmitter which weigh just 175 grams.這項由英國設計並獲獎的救援系統的成功,依靠總重量只有175克的微型相機和一個發射器。17.Endow英[?nda?; en-] 美[?nda?]vt. 賦予;捐贈;天生具有【派生詞】endowment n.【常考搭配】endow sb/sth with sth資助【例句】The rich alumnus endow the college with half of his fortune.這位富有的校友把其一半的財產捐贈給這所大學。18.Grant英[grɑ?nt] 美[ɡr?nt]vt. 授予;允許;承認vi. 同意n. 撥款;[法] 授予物【派生詞】granted adv.【常考搭配】take sb/sth for granted.認為。。。是理所當然的【例句】Englebert applied for a patent for the mouse in 1967, which was granted in 1970.英格爾伯特在1967年為滑鼠申請了專利,並在1970年獲得了審批。19.Offer [??f?(r)] 美 [??:f?(r)]vt. 提供;出價;試圖n. 提議;出價;意圖;錄取通知書vi. 提議;出現;獻祭;求婚【派生詞】offering n.【常考搭配】offer sth to sb for sth提供【例句】Elastic members of simple shape offer greater potential for stability than those that are unwieldily flimsy, or asymmetrical.簡單形狀的彈性構件要比不方便的,薄壁的或不對稱的構件提供較大可能的穩定性。20.Render英 [?rend?(r)] 美 [?r?nd?]vt. 致使;提出;實施;著色;以…回報vi. 給予補償n. 打底;交納;粉刷【派生詞】rendering n.【常考搭配】render sth for sth; render sth to sb歸還【例句】Intensely fractured rocks may render traps ineffective by causing leakage.強烈破碎的岩石造成石油、天然氣泄漏而使得圈閉變得不起作用。

