







湯瑪斯‧海澤維克1970年出生於倫敦,是英國新世代備受矚目的設計師。在曼徹斯特理工大學及倫敦皇家藝術學院求學期間,海澤維克就已致力於探索材料及新的技術工法,並積極實驗不同的營建模式,尋找贊助與基地,累積實戰經驗。1994年,年僅24 歲的海澤維克成立了同名工作室。位於倫敦的工作室目前約有160名員工,成員具備設計、建築、工程、景觀設計、工藝、材質等多元專業背景。團隊透過集體性的思考實驗,不斷研究材料和工藝之可能性。並致力於以藝術思考來尋找創意設計之解決方案,突破規限,創造非凡絕倫的作品。海澤維克工作室創作形式多元,同時涉獵產品設計、家具、公共藝術、雕塑、建築、公共工程、及總體都市規劃。工作室在過去20年來已完成超過150項專案,主要代表作品包括2010年上海世博會英國國家館「種子聖殿」、2012年倫敦奧運聖火火炬、倫敦帕丁頓盆地可捲曲收納的捲動橋、倫敦新巴士及陀螺椅等。工作室也參與許多了形塑城鎮風貌的規劃案,協助風華落盡的城市找尋新的認同契機。「走進海澤維克工作室」由倫敦皇家藝術學院建築系主任凱特‧古德溫策展,精選工作室過去20年約35件具原創性的代表作,涵蓋家具設計、公共藝術、建築到城市再生規劃等作品。透過細說從頭(beginning)、構思(Thinking)、製作(Making)、敘事(Storytelling)四個單元,藉由實物大小模型、測試品、原型、材料、照片、手稿、影片等125個物件,引領觀眾進入海澤維克工作室,窺探團隊創意發想及具體實踐的過程。展覽已在新加坡國家設計中心、北京中央美術學院、上海當代藝術館及香港原創方巡迴展出。台灣部分由臺北市立美術館、英國文化協會及「非凡英國」推廣活動共同主辦,配合海澤維克講堂、策展人分享及自造者工坊的舉辦,推介英倫新世代原創實力。


This exciting exhibition featuring the London-based practice Heatherwick Studio gives a unique insight into the ideas and experiments that go into realising their projects.  Demonstrating the studio’s inventive and entrepreneurial approach to design, it highlights their position at the forefront of innovation, thinking and creation, both in the UK and internationally.  Inside Heatherwick Studio is divided into three sections ‘Thinking’, ‘Making’ and ‘Storytelling’. It presents key projects at varying scales selected from a rich and expansive portfolio of work spanning 21 years. Curated by Kate Goodwin, Drue Heinz Curator at the Royal Academy of Arts London, the exhibition explores the rigorous process of critical thinking and questioning that goes into their design process with finished projects presented alongside form and material experiments. Among the highlights are projects that have captured the popular imagination, including some of the UK's most original, memorable and iconic endeavours, such as the award-winning UK Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo, the New Routemaster Bus, the London 2012 Olympic Games cauldron and the new Garden Bridge across the River Thames. Established by Thomas Heatherwick in 1994, Heatherwick Studio is recognised for its work in architecture, urban infrastructure, sculpture, design and strategic thinking. At the heart of the studio’s work is a profound commitment to finding innovative design solutions, with a dedication to artistic thinking and the latent potential of materials and craftsmanshipSupported by the British Council and the GREAT Britain Campaign, this exhibition is part of New British Inventors, a series of films, talks, workshops and masterclasses that promotes the best in British design, architecture, engineering, fashion, technology, industrial design, furniture and transport design in some of the world’s most important established and emerging markets.  










#陀螺椅 2010





