
Red School ? 红人学校?


然而Red people公司是属于中品无误。因为是属于争议性登场的。虽然一出场骂多于赞。

In marketing , theres a quote i agree
" have good impression is the best ,
bad / mixed impression , is the ok .
Bad impression , is worst "

Red people is ok however it was Controversial start his own venture , although there was more scold rather than like their business .

无论如何,我吧红人公司列为高风险企业,因为无论作风还是其商业理念,就如要么骗局,要么高回收的风险企业 (当年很多人也是认为阿里巴巴是骗子,可是就是可以突破这个局)。因为大马是相当保守的商业的,这个旋风如果成功,要么成仁,要么给人鸟骗局


个人认为red people公司其实背景也不赖。

当中red people的成员也不是个个是拉拉仔。当中也有白富美,高富帅,也由普通,也有无才,也有才子/女的。就是很多元或者可塑性。
不过个人认为那些红人能红出了可能幕后背景有关系,和可能家庭背景关系,个人也认为有些人能红,肯定有他的因素。而且某些方面上生意头脑和网络社交头脑肯定比那些前辈还是同辈们有一定的杰出。 再说红人也应该知道风险很大,利益很大,关键是幕后和前线的他们能不能突破这些困局呢?拭目以待。

只是个人认为,red people当中的成员有不少是白富美高富帅的。知道那些真相后,有钱的爸妈会死要面子让红人子女撑下去,还是准备叫儿女离开或告red people公司。


However , now they open the new venture , without one year , they open own college , I admit that their market strategy is impressive than i expect , however they PR really no eye see , didnt manage well own PR to open the college , seriously , what a mess !?

And i found that combating illegal pyramid scheme admin post that Red school and its partner are not qualified by government
( Red school is acceptable , however , your partner also no recognized ....)
However i list this company RED SCHOOL as high risk company , no matter his business idea , operation , can be a SCHEME , or High risk High return company ( like Jack Ma Alibaba company , many people said it is bullshit , but Jack still have strategy solve this problem and prove to others he is right ) . And you must know malaysia entrepreneurship spirit is conservative , if this business is success , it can become a Malaysia entertainment and art typhoon ; but once it failed , sure is well known scheme .


Actually if you want in some time to expand your business , use the Controversial way to open your business and differentiate your way ( malaysian easily get incite ) , or you have crony background . I think red people company background also not that simple.

And not all red people are Lala Kia ( rubbish child) some of them may normal , but some of them have Rich family background , some have many talent , some may not . Some of them any is possible ( flexibility )
I think those red people ( which famous in social network ) not only background behind the scene , maybe their family ( rich / powerful /sociable ) . I believe some of them can be famous sure have own reason , even some them their business mind and internet social skill better than their age people or older people like me . ANd i think red people know this venture is high risk high return , but the Keys is can they face the challenge , lets see .

I think red people some of member are Rich , if they know the truth , their rich papa and mama want their child ( red people ) continue due face problem ? or call their child leave the company , or sue Red People company .

Lets eat pop corn and see whats happening next .
