

愛在暹羅 倒數 9

[Polite Phrases]

* Always use "krub" (for men) and "ka" (for women) when you want to be polite. Add these words to the end of all the examples below.

1) khorb khun means "Thank you".

2) mai ben rai means "it's ok". For example when someone tries to give you something but you don't want it or someone says thanks to you, you say mai ben rai.

3) khor thot means "sorry". You will say it when you want to interrupt someone, when you want to pass someone or when you do something wrong.





回家的途中,我在公車上想一些外景節目企劃的點子,之前其實已經想了幾個,但在和家人分享自己想法的時候,解說的過程就讓我明白那些點子都不夠好,連自己都沒自信的東西,很難期待其他人會喜歡。所以我從自己的興趣、喜歡的節目類型等等面向,重新去思考一個外景節目,然後突然有個讓我開心的點子出現了!Then, getting off the bus, on my way back to the dormitory I luckily spotted my potential target audience.  When I was about to walk away from them, a voice urged me to turn back and talk to them, asking them some questions to learn their preferences for an outdoor television show.

I did, and I am glad that I did it.  

Understanding more about the habits and psychology of the potential audiences, I think, can help stimulate creativity and keep my feet on the ground.


