第一卷專輯就由坦率稚誠的嗓音和意料外的唱腔吸引圈裡圈外的目光,不但好多首曲子變成熱門電影配樂,也頓時變成rapper們最想合作的女聲 - Lykke Li為瑞典流行音樂唱出新的聲音,由ABBA和Roxette進化到這樣的難以歸類,我想是因為Lykke Li從小周遊列國,接觸過各種不同文化,融合沉澱過後獨自走出的路。

Youth Novel一舉成功後,Lykke Li來到LA寫今年2月發行的Wounded Rhymes。面對每天藍天白雲活力四射的LA,Lykke Li看到的不只是光鮮亮麗和紙醉金迷的那一面,她觀察到成千上萬懷抱明星夢來到好萊屋碰運氣的人們,是如何被現實屈服,必須學習與自己的夢想妥協。也許剛領悟到夢想不可及,笑容是硬擠出來的,不過笑久了就習慣了。更何況,在LA失敗的話,還是會有大太陽對你癡癡的笑。


前幾個月好朋友有機會在一個很小的場地聽Lykke Li表演,真是太幸運了!



"I Follow Rivers"

Oh I beg you, can I follow
Oh I ask you why not always
Be the ocean where unravel
Be my only, be the water and I'm wading
You're my river running high, run deep run wild

I I follow, I follow you deep sea baby
I follow you
I I follow, I follow you, dark boom honey
I follow you

He a message, I'm the runner
He's the rebel, I'm the daughter waiting for you
You're my river running high, run deep run wild

I I follow, I follow you deep sea baby
I follow you
I I follow, I follow you, dark boom honey
I follow you

You're my river running high, run deep run wild
I, I follow, I follow you deep sea baby,
I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you, dark boom honey,
I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you deeps sea baby,
I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you, dark boom honey,
I follow you

[Repeat till end]
I, I follow, I follow you deeps sea baby,
I follow you
I, I follow, I follow you, dark boom honey,
I follow you
