Taipei Gets A Full Dose Of Linsanity   2013.10.13 NBA國際熱身賽台北站 相簿

原文出處:NBA Hang Time Blog 
原文作者:Fran Blinebury 

原文鏈接: com/2013/10/13/taipei-gets-a-full-dose-of-linsanity/


1. TAIPEI, Taiwan – It was an afternoon that began with a greeting from Paul George.
台北,台灣—這個下午從保羅‧喬治(Paul George)的歡迎致詞中開啟序幕。
Yet the 12,905 squealing, appreciative fans who came early and stayed on their feet often left the impression that John and Ringo were also inside Taipei Arena.

(注:原文中的John and Ringo分別指的是約翰‧藍儂(John Lennon)與林格·斯塔(Ring Starr)。)

2. It might not have quite reached the level of The Beatles at Shea Stadium, but Jeremy Lin's return to his ancestral roots hit all the notes of cultural phenomenon, NBA star and real life dream come true.
也許尚未達到「披頭四」在謝亞球場(注1)的瘋狂程度,但林書豪的返鄉尋根之旅,卻譜出一篇由文化現象、籃球巨星與美夢成真,三者合而為一的動人樂章。They love you, yeah, yeah, yeah. 他們愛你,耶、耶、耶!(注2)

(注1:Shea Stadium,紐約大都會棒球隊的前主球場,「披頭四」曾於1965年8月15日在此舉辦演唱會,現場共有約55,600名觀眾。)
(注2:借用「披頭四」的歌曲— "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah.")

3. It was the return of Linsanity, all of the attendant pregame hype and palpable buzz in the air meeting up with a performance that delivered by the main attraction.

4. From the moment he scored the Rockets' first basket of the game on a 3-pointer from the top of the key to his exit midway through the fourth quarter of Houston's 107-98 win over the Pacers, Lin was the focus of virtually all attention and idolatry.
從他在弧頂的一記三分外線,為火箭在本場比賽中首次 ​​進球開始,到他於第四節中途離場,而火箭最終以107比98輕取溜馬為止,林可說是集現場觀眾的萬千寵愛於一身。

5. When Lin left the game with 5:52 left to play with 17 points on 6-for-8 shooting, four assists, two rebounds and one monster block, teammate Francisco Garcia encouraged the throng to come to its feet and then he clamped Lin like a little brother in a headlock and patted his approval.
當林在球賽還剩5分52秒時離場,並繳出一張8投6中17分、4助攻、2籃板及一記大火鍋的成績單時,隊友加叔(Francisco Garcia)特別示意觀眾起立為林致敬,接著像疼惜小老弟般的攬住他的頭,輕拍幾下以表達讚許之意。
Lin stood in a back hallway smiling and shaking his head at the experience. 賽后林含笑站在場外的廊道,對於這整個經驗只能頻頻搖頭。

6.“It wasn't like anything I'm normally accustomed to, going out there before the game for warmups and having everyone yelling,” he said. “Yeah, I was nervous. I haven't felt that way before a game since probably the first time back to MSG last season.
“Really, it was everything I could have hoped for. (Asssistant coach) Chris Finch said, 'It was like all your birthdays rolled into one. You got the 3s, the dunk, the block.' I think he was right. I didn't know how this was gonna go, but I definitely didn't think it would go this good.”

7. Rockets coach Kevin McHale said Lin's play was simply a continuation of the progress he's made ​​since the opening of training camp.
火箭主帥冰箱(Kevin McHale)說林的表現,只是延續他從訓練營開始至今的進步。
“He played very well,” McHale said. “The last week to 10 days he's been very, very good in our games and our practices. I think he's really comfortable with who he is. He's in a good state of mind … Jeremy's in really a good place. This is the way he's been playing in practice.”

8. Nearly half the crowd wore some kind of NBA jersey or T-shirt and the lion's share of those bore Lin's name and number from various career incarnations. There were red Lin Rockets jerseys and white Lin Rockets jerseys. There were even a few with Lin's name on the back of the throwback navy blue pajama-striped jerseys that Lin never wore. There were Lin jerseys from Harvard and his time with Golden State. And, of course, there were Lin's jerseys from that magical five-week stretch of 2012 when Linsanity was born in York.

9. They screamed with delight when Lin came out of the tunnel and ran onto the court for pregame warmups nearly an hour before the opening tip and they roared in appreciation when he stepped into the spotlight and shined in front of an audience that included his parents , grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and thousands of other Taiwanese who claim him as their own.

10.“I have been an NBA fan for about 10 years,” said Taiwan native Tony Kuo, 25, who studied business at Michigan State. “The truth is the Pistons were always my favorite back, back from the days of their (2004 ) championship.
“But when Jeremy first came into the league with the Warriors and then he went to New York and did what he did, well, now he is my favorite and the Rockets are my team.
「但是當書豪剛進聯盟而加入勇士隊,接著他在紐約的爆發,現在他是我最愛的球員,而火箭是我最支持的球隊。」“I followed Jeremy when he was in Harvard and hoped that he would get a chance. But I wasn't really sure if an Asian player could ever have the experience he did in New York.
“When Yao Ming played, he was famous here. But nothing like Lin. There is no question that Jeremy Lin is the No. 1 sports celebrity in Taiwan today. I can't even think of anyone close enough to him to be No. 2.”

11. Kuo's girlfriend, Ashley Wu, 29, said she never really took to the NBA when she was at Michigan State.
郭的女朋友,現年29歲的艾胥莉‧吳,提到當她在密西根州大時,對NBA根本沒興趣。“I guess now I like the Rockets, but I went out and bought this Knicks shirt because the blue is a better color,” she said. “This is a really exciting and fun event and it's fun to be here to support Lin and him ,” she said, pointing at Kuo.

12. For the most part, it was fast-paced and seemed to be more intensely played for a preseason game with plenty of banging and with regulars getting a lot of minutes.
James Harden led the Rockets with 21 points. George had 19 to top the Pacers and George Hill had 17.
哈登(James Harden)攻下火箭陣中最高的21分,溜馬則是喬治的19分,另外希爾(George Hill)也拿下17分。

13. Nevertheless, according to how a script might have been written, Lin practically took the game into his hands in the first quarter and shaped it to fit the hype and his image. By the time the opening period was done, Lin had drilled a pair of 3-pointers, closed out a fast break with a crowd-pleasing dunk and then got a real rise from everyone when he chased down Indiana's Danny Granger on a breakaway and used a sweeping swat of his arm to send the ball into the first row of seats.
然而,如同按照一部完美的劇本演出,林在球賽首節就已大局在握。在該節接近終了時,林已射進兩記三分球;並於一次快攻中,以一個取悅觀眾的灌籃得分來收尾;最後還緊追在溜馬的葛蘭傑(Danny Granger)身後,在他向前推進到準備上籃時,使出巨靈掌將球掃到第一排的觀眾席上,讓現場每個人都快嗨翻天了。

14.“When I got that shot, just about all I could do was smile,” Lin said. “Not at him, but just the fact that it happened, because I've never done anything like that before in a real NBA game . Maybe in practice. So when I got that shot, all I could think was everything was going my way.”
「當我蓋到那一球時,忍不住笑了出來,」林說,「不是在笑他,而是這件事的發 ​​生,因為我從未在一場真正的NBA球賽中做過這樣的事,也許在練習時有過,所以當我蓋到時,腦海中唯一閃過的就是,今天的我真是呼風喚雨而無所不能。」

15. Half a world away from where it was born, Linsanity was back. And, fittingly, at home. 在距離原爆點半個地球以外,「林瘋狂」再次重現,而發生在家鄉的土地上,只能說真是恰如其分。

