Galactica 33 
Galactica 33 

My favourite episode of Battlestar Galactica (the remake) is episode 1, not the pilot (which is a little slow), the first episode proper.

It is called 33, which is the number of minutes the Galactica crew have before the Cylon fleet cath up with them, and they have to make a hyperspace jump to escape them. There are then another 33 minutes before the Cylons catch them again and they have to jump again.

The ship is falling to pieces and the crew are pretty much falling to pieces too. No one can sleep as they are just trying to get everything ready for the next jump, and everyone is so stresssed out by the unbearable tension that they are arguing with each other and all having half hourly nervous breakdowns. There seems to be no escape and this cycle is just going on forever.

It's an amazing, claustrophobic episode, brilliant, I was hooked.

This episode strikes me as a kind of metaphor for parenthood. 

The full on desperate attention to Mr Darcy Mu's every need, with a brief respite when he sleeps before it all starts again, in an endless cycle. Ever since Darcy Mu was born this has been our lives, accompanied by tension, arguing, constantly falling to pieces and having mini regular nervous breakdowns, with seemingly no end and no escape.

I think I am going to have to sit down and watch that episode again to find out how they broke the cycle....

麥爸的客座專欄終於有新文 (邀稿邀好久...) 

舊文回顧:365-13 客座專欄: 麥爸的育兒日記 (2Y3M23D)

因為麥先生的關係,我也迷上《星際爭霸 Battlestar Galactica》這齣科幻影集。

劇情非常非常得緊湊 (錯過一集會無法銜接下一集)。

把星際逃亡比喻為育兒生活寫照,個人覺得很有趣... 也真得很寫實...


大喜媽咪 xxx
