Meet the man behind Russia investigation:

Robert Mueller

FBI Director Robert Mueller testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in Dirksen Building on oversight of the FBI.

(File photo: MSNBC)


On 22nd March, 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr received Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, which symbolized the end of investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible obstruction of justice by Trump.

On 24th March, Barr presented a summary of Mueller’s conclusions that contained some sentences from Mueller’s final report, one of which addressed the collusion issue directly: “The investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” Donald Trump regarded it as a “complete and total exoneration”, however, the Democrats were greatly disappointed.



巴爾的報告總結提交國會當天,科米在社交媒體上發了一張自己站在一片紅杉密林中仰望天空的照片,配文只有簡單的三個單詞: “So many questions.(問題太多)”

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, former FBI director James Comey said he was surprised that Mueller didn't come to a conclusion on obstruction of justice and left it to the attorney general. He said one of the purposes of a special counsel is to make the tough call and not pass it to political appointees such as the attorney general.

"So the idea that a special counsel wouldn't reach the question and hand it to the political leadership doesn't make sense," he said.



Trump's line on the Mueller report takes a contrasting turn


US President Donald Trump spent the last 18-plus months attacking the investigation into Russian interference and the possibility of collusion between his campaign and the Russians. Trump called the probe a "witch hunt" more than 170 times, according to statistics maintained by CNN's own Marshall Cohen. He tried to raise questions about the political motivations of Mueller, a lifelong Republican, and his investigators -- some of whom made contributions to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and other Democrats. Trump even went as far as to say the investigation was illegal.


Given the level of vitriol Trump -- and his lead attack dog and lawyer Rudy Giuliani -- leveled at Mueller and the broader report, the President finds himself in an odd situation: The investigation that he spent so much time undermining has now turned out a result that is broadly favorable to him.

In characteristic Trumpian fashion, he took to Twitter to overstate what Mueller had found. "No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!" Trump tweeted. (Reminder: Barr, quoting Mueller, said that the report "does not exonerate" Trump.)


“It’s interesting,” Mr. Trump told his supporters during his rally Thursday in Michigan.“Robert Mueller was a god to the Democrats. He was a god to them until he said ‘no collusion.’ They don’t like him so much now.”


Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Grand Rapids. (Photo: Getty Images)

Earlier this month, amid expectations that Mueller is wrapping up his investigation and preparing to send his findings to US Attorney General William Barr within days or weeks, Trump attacked Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation in a speech to conservative supporters ,calling the probe “bullsh--” and claiming the special counsel was biased against him.


Republicans and Democrats embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel


Robert Mueller was the most influential and longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover himself, and someone who has settled since his retirement from government in 2013 into being that rare voice-beyond-reproach that companies and organizations recruit to lead investigations when they need to tell shareholders or the public that they’ve hired the most seasoned and respected person they can find, someone who will pursue a case wherever it leads without fear or favor.


科米自傳《更高的忠誠:真相、謊言與領導力》(Photo: AP)


(Photo: Getty Images)

A graduate of Princeton University and New York University, Mueller served as a Marine Corps Officer during the Vietnam War, receiving a Bronze Star for heroism and Purple Heart. After retirement, he attended the University of Virginia School of Law. Mueller is a registered Republican in Washington, D.C., and was appointed and reappointed to Senate-confirmed positions by Presidents George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

In 1989, Mueller served in the United States Department of Justice as an assistant to Attorney General and as acting Deputy Attorney General. President George W. Bush nominated Mueller for the position of FBI director in 2001, and the Senate confirmed Mueller as FBI director, voting 98-0 favor of his appointment. During his 12 years in office, he has devoted himself to his work and shifted the FBI’s priorities from defending domestic crimes to preventing terrorism.



University of Virginia School of Law (Photo: Facebook)

After leaving the FBI in 2013, Mueller served as a distinguished lecturer at Satanford University, and focused on cybersecurity. Afterwards, due to his contributions to public service, he received the 2016 Thayer Award from the United States Military Academy. In June 2017, he received the Baker Award for intelligence and national security contributions from the Intelligence and National Security Alliance.



The sense of mourning started to take hold over the weekend, after Barr’s summary said the special counsel, had not found coordination between Trump-Russia collusion.

Over the nearly two years of the Mueller investigation, a segment of liberals and activists built up fervent hopes that it would bring Trump down. For some of them, the report felt like a betrayal. To many others, it was a disappointment.


Source | CNN, Bloomberg, NBC News, Politico

Compiled by Chen Lidan, Han Xiaomeng, Yu Kaili and Liu Jingshan
